Chapter 10

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

... *Marcus' POV* ...

As the evening carried on, Marcus pulled Enzo aside and put together a plan for when Skye returned home.

"Hey, boss, what's up?" 

"Do you have any plans this evening?" Marcus asked quietly.

"I am picking Camberlee up in a little bit when she gets off work. After that, we don't really have anything going on that I know of. Why?"

"With Caius in town and the chaos of the day, I am feeling on edge with the thought of sending her home alone. I could stay with her myself, but I would really like the chance to get to the bottom of today's events. Plus, she asked that if I had to send anyone to "babysit" her, that I send you. She likes you."

"Aww, that's cool. I will let Camberlee know. I am sure she will be ok with that. She would probably love to have another girl to hang around with anyway, so I would say we are good to go."

"Ok, just confirm for me and let me know. I appreciate it."

"No problem."

Enzo was already dialing a number as he walked off. Marcus found himself filled with pride over the guy. I am going to have to talk to the guys and take a vote about patching Enzo in early. Marcus shook the thoughts off as he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. He was dreading the separation and already counting down the hours until he would see her again. Before he spoke, Enzo caught his eye and gave the thumbs up.

"I am going to have Enzo and his girlfriend come and keep an eye on things when I take you home tonight."

"You still worried about that guy on the bike today?"

"Yea, the timing isn't sitting well with me. I know you have work tomorrow and all. I just don't want to take a risk and leave you unguarded without knowing what's going on."

"I understand, and I am ok with them coming. I have plenty of room for them."

"Thank you."

"No worries. That place is too quiet sometimes anyway."

An hour later, Marcus took Skye home. He circled the area looking for anything that didn't feel right. Shortly after he parked the bike and escorted Skye inside, Enzo notified him they were almost there. Pulling her into a deep kiss, Marcus told Skye goodnight and made his way out the door giving her a few moments of privacy to do what she needed before her company arrived. He waited until he saw Enzo pull up and park before he took off leaving them to keep watch. On his way back to the club, Marcus took a detour to follow up on his suspicion of a rival club's initiation. When he came up with a dead end on his lead, he returned to the club and went to work investigating who could have been tailing them.

... *Skye's POV* ...

An explosion of pain spread through Skye's face jolting her awake. Fear spiked when she couldn't move. Something was seriously wrong. She forced herself to blink the sleep away, though everything remained blurry.

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