Chapter 17

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

Marcus woke up and had to shake off the haze that fell over his mind in order to figure out where he was. It felt as if he had slept for several days. Everything from his neck, right down to his feet was stiff and sore. Several moments passed until he was finally able to focus on the window in the room, and realize it was dark outside.

"Sleep good, boss?" Enzo asked in a teasing manner.

"Like the dead." Marcus grumbled.

"I was starting to wonder if I needed to pass you my bed pan to catch all the drool." Enzo laughed.

"Where's Camberlee?"

"She's in the bathroom." Enzo pointed to other door in his room.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good, boss."

"Glad to hear it. Have there been any updates on Skye yet?" Marcus asked eagerly.

"Nothing yet. It's a little after 7 PM now, so... It's going on nearly 5 hours. Sound about right, boss?"

"Jesus. Yes, I believe so. I wonder what's going on."

"They must have really done a number on her."

"Just be glad you didn't have to see it."

"I have to say that is at least one bullet I was able to dodge."

"It's probably going to haunt me for the rest of my days. They even sent souvenirs so that I could watch what went down before we got there as well."

"Sick fucks." Enzo spat.


"Damn... Hey, I want to ask you something."


"You can really see me and Camberlee getting married?"

"Honestly, I really like her. She's a good one for you. She's strong, beautiful, genuinely cares about you, and she will keep your ass in line. You'd be stupid to let that one go."

"Thanks boss. Can I ask a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Once I get out of here, could you help me set something up to propose? I want to surprise her and ask her officially."

"Yea, brother. I'd love to help."

"I knew you were a big softy. Like a teddy bear."

"Shut up, I'm hard!"

"Oh my,... do I even want to know what am I walking in on?" Camberlee giggled.

"Nothing. It's a guy thing. You know... We have to measure and compare sometimes." Enzo said.

"Right..." Camberlee slid in next to Enzo on the hospital bed.

Marcus found himself smiling at the ease he felt around Camberlee and Enzo. They were the ones to watch and take note of relationship goals. As his thoughts took a turn toward Skye, he grew restless. Why haven't we heard anything yet?

"Hey, ah, I think I'm going to run downstairs and check in on Skye. Maybe I can get someone to tell me something, anything. I'm dying to have some kind of information to hold on to. Any glimmer of hope that this is all going to be ok when it's over."

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