Chapter 19

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

"Hello, I'm Detective Lachlan. I appreciate you allowing me to come and ask some questions. I'm so sorry to push, but I want to stick as much to the people who hurt you as I can. Every little bit helps."

"As long as my family here can stay, I believe I can handle your questions." Skye said.

"That's not going to be a problem with me."

"This stuff is no easier to relive than it is to hear, so bare with me."

"Don't worry about any of us, darlin', we're all here for you." Caius said.


"Ok, so first I'd like you to know, I will try to refrain from making you relive more than necessary. I've got a good bit to go on in that area already. I would like to know if anything was said about why these actions came up against you. Did anyone state a reason or trigger for them to come after you?"

"Yes. I was engaged to Elliot. He was angry to see me with a biker. He said that the company I choose to keep reflects negatively on his image even though we are no longer together."

"How long have you been separated?"

"I left him a few months ago. Maybe three? He had another woman in our condo. I got off work early and I walked in on them."

Marcus remembered the moment he'd met Skye. It was the day she'd caught Elliot with someone. She'd been fearless and knew exactly what she wanted. Him. He fought back the smile at the memory.

"This one may be a little harder, but it is very important. At anytime did you clearly say no to each of your attackers? Sometimes attackers and abusers are tricky enough to make you say words of consent without actually meaning to give consent."

Skye cleared her throat and closed her eyes. "I clearly said no. I begged them not to touch me. At least while I was conscious for the attacks."

"I've collected several tests and photos already for your case. I am still waiting for the toxicology to come back. Do you know if they drugged you or gave you anything?"

"No, they didn't give me anything. Elliot specifically wanted me to feel as much pain as possible and to be aware of everything that was happening. He didn't want anything clouding my memory or consciousness."

"Thank you. Now, I would like to give you the floor. I understand that as time goes on, more things become clear. I will leave you my contact information in the event you come across anything more you would like to share over time during this investigation. Is there anything right now you'd like to tell me about these past few days while you were being held?"

"Elliot promised that should I ever get pregnant again, if it wasn't his baby, he would cut it out of me. Every single time. If he couldn't do it personally, he said he would have someone else do it for him. I believe he will have someone following me if not several different ones keeping tabs on me. His family has money, a lot of it. They can very well do anything they promise to do."

"We will make sure you don't have to worry about that. Will will be with you." Marcus vowed.

Caius, Joey, and Tobias all agreed.

"I will work on that on my end as well." Detective Lachlan promised.

"He mentioned something strange. While they were arguing over whose turn it was, one of them said something about "the others". I don't think I'm the first person they've done this to."

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