Chapter 14

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

***Marcus's POV***

Marcus's phone rang, for the hundredth time within the 24 solid hours since he'd been searching for Skye. He strongly considered ignoring it, but knew better than to do that. Glancing down at the screen, he saw it was Joey calling. Knowing he couldn't afford to miss a single lead, he answered the phone. With no sleep, and no food, he was running on fumes and not in the mood to talk to anyone for any reason. The only exception being Skye.

"What?" He asked, exhaustion weighing heavy.

"A package just arrived for you."


"There's no return address."

"Open it."

Joey placed him on speaker phone, and followed orders. Marcus could hear everything as he sat the phone down, and worked his way into the box. After the rustling stopped, he was silent for a beat,then suddenly snapped to attention.

"Get to the club, now, brother." Joey demanded.

"What is it?" Marcus asked, instantly alarmed.

He was able to hear the others approaching before they added their own questions and commentary.

"Holy shit, what the fuck is that!" Caius gasped.

"Oh, god!" Aeron hissed.

"Get up here, Marcus." Joey repeated. "Right away."

"What the fuck? Someone tell me what in the Hell it is!"

"With all due respect, sir, I'm not telling you shit over the phone." Joey announced.

"I gave a fucking order." Marcus roared with rising panic.

"Man, you just need to get here. There are some things in this box that you need to see for yourself."

"...what's that?" Caius asked.

The sound of things being shifted around came through the speaker again.

"Brother, we found a burnt disc in here."

"Oh, fuck! Watch it! Maybe there's some instructions or demands to get her back or something."

The guys didn't speak again, but Marcus could hear them moving around. He heard the TV thrum to life, and the DVD player chime the start up screen. Next he heard unfamiliar male voices arguing, but was unable to make out what they were saying.

"Jesus Christ! Turn this shit off!!!" Caius' shout rang out, followed by something made of glass shattering.

Marcus' empty stomach churned. Nothing rattled Caius, ever! For him to bark an order to turn off that video, Marcus knew it had been bad. He refused to let his mind try to piece the possible images together. He needed to be able to focus and get back to the club.

"I'm on my way. What the fuck am I walking into? Someone please give me something!"

"I can't even put it into words, you need to get here. We can't watch this shit." Owen announced in a dead tone.

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