Chapter 8

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After their shopping trip at the mall, and a nice lunch, Marcus and Skye returned to the truck. They put what bags they had securely in the back. Marcus gave Enzo the rundown of his plans before returning to the club, and they were off to their next stop. Fifteen minutes into the drive, Marcus's phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket, seeing it was Enzo calling, he snapped it to his ear already on alert.

"Talk to me."

"Boss, check out the bike behind me. I got a gut feeling we are being tailed."

"If so, he's alone. Probably gathering intel. It could also be a mission for another prospect. I can't see any identifying patch work."

"I can't tell either. He's silhouetted in the sun for me."

"Our exit is coming up in about a mile. I want you to keep going once I exit. If he's tailing, he will follow you being as you're in your prospect cut. A few miles up, exit onto 20 and meet me at the Shell station. I'll go the back way."

"Got it."

A minute later, Marcus pulled his truck onto the exit. He watched Enzo and the following bike intently. Enzo kept a steady pace passing them with the bike following behind.

"Switch lanes, now."

Enzo pulled the bike to the left lane. A few seconds later, the other bike followed.

"Fuck!" Marcus growled.

"Still with me, boss?"

"I see him. Can't make out the cut. Stay steady with the rest of the traffic. Do not allow him any opportunity to open fire. If it is an initiation, he will wait until there's no other cars around. Stay on the line with me and keep me posted. I can't see you anymore. I'm here with you, but you're on your own now. Act ignorant, you don't see him. I'll meet you soon. Don't miss the exit."

"Got it, boss."

"Please tell me what's happening." Skye begged with worry.

"It's ok, sugar. Enzo caught a tail. We just confirmed it."

"Shit! Is he going to be ok? We just left him!" She squeaked.

"He's got this, he's going to be ok." Marcus promised.

"We can get back on the interstate right here. Speed up. We can catch him and watch out for him!"

"No, I'm not risking it with you in the truck."

"Oh, God! Please don't leave him alone out there."

"It's ok." he breathed.

"Enzo, you be careful!" She yelled.

"Take your phone out and punch in Joey's number as I call it out to you. When he picks up, you tell him to meet us at the Shell station off the 20 exit. I have to keep my ear on Enzo. Stay calm, it's just a precaution."

"Okay." Skye said with a shaky voice near tears.

Skye pulled her phone from her back pocket and entered the number as Marcus read it out. By the third ring, Joey answered.

"Bob's pool hall, liquor in the front, poker in the rear!"

"Shut the fuck up! Get your asses on those bikes and get to the Shell station off the 20 exit, NOW! Move it!!" Skye demanded with an eerie ring of authority.

Skye ended the call without waiting for a response and stared at Marcus who was now laughing. She could hear Enzo laughing over the speaker as well.


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