Chapter 13

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

Skye had no real sense of how much time had passed. No matter the exact answer, it was too damn long. Elliot's brutal assault came seemingly without end. She prayed it would all be over sooner rather than later. Either he stopped, or just killed her. Neither ending mattered to her anymore, so long as it was over. Please have mercy, she silently prayed to any entity that might be listening.

"Are you done yet? I'm bored!" Andrew whined.

"Shut up!" Elliot hissed. "I said, you could have her and do whatever the fuck you want, as soon as I am done."

"If you're going to keep hacking away at her, there won't be anything left."

"Trust me, I'll leave you the only parts you'll need."

"I might be twisted, but I'd really rather have an actual person, not some bloody chunk of meat. If I ever get that bad off, I could just go to the store and buy some ground beef, then take it home and heat it up!"

"Gross. I just want to savor the moment here. I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this."

"Fucking record a few minutes, then get done so I can get on with my plans! I'm tired of waiting."

"That's a good idea..." Elliot shouted. "Hey, dad! Do you have your camcorder here?"

"Yes." Vladimir replied.

"Where is it?"

"I will go get it."

"Whoo! You hear that, baby?! It's almost time for the real fun!" Andrew clapped and rubbed his hands together.

Skye didn't know which part would be worse. Elliot's non-stop hitting and cutting, or the gruesome fucking his brother went on and on about. She was as close to being numb as she could be. Whether from loss of blood, or her body getting used to the pain, she wasn't sure.

"Here, boys. I even brought the wall charger and tripod so that we can finish this shit. The longer you keep this bitch here, the more likely you'll be caught with her here."

The Ward brother's set up the camera and tested the picture. With a little fine tuning and repositioning, they had the angle they desired, and went back to work. Elliot stood over Skye and grabbed a handful of her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

"Open your fucking eyes, or I will cut your eyelids off." Elliot threatened as he placed the knife on the thin skin of her eyelid.

Once she did as he commanded, Elliot glided the blade around the curve of her face, careful not to make another cut. He smiled as he pressed the knife teasingly to her throat, looking for a reaction. She was careful not to give him what he wanted.

He slid the knife to her bare chest and sliced the blade across her left breast. He made several more shallow cuts down her rib cage, stomach and legs. When finally he forced her legs apart and slid his knife up her inner thigh, toward her sex, she reacted with fear. He laughed and made another cut on her inner thigh.

"Don't worry, bitch. My brother is going to destroy that part for you. I wouldn't even touch it with my blade. God only knows what is festering in there."

"Speaking of which, did you ever check that test you made her pee on?" Elliot's brother inquired, shaking his head. "And you call ME a sick bastard. You tie a bitch to a chair and get her to piss on your hand so you can see if someone else knocked her up!"

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