Part 6 : Home Alone

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I sat at home thinking, as usual, trying to imagine anything and yet nothing. Beth and our adoptive mother were out likely shopping again. I got up going and locking the door sitting back on my bed and quietly sneaking out the little shoe box and tipping it out in my bed, newspaper clippings and magazine pages fluttering onto my sheets the mere sight of a cover of chess review made my tummy bubble-like getting a thousand kisses, my head spin like my mind was a spinning top, my thoughts turning to mush as I laid on my stomach going through pictures and articles reading things here and there humming my little tune as I did all of it making my stomach and slightly lower seem to almost throb in some way like a terrible ache that still felt exhausting I put some of my things away laying under my covers pushing my petticoats away to try and find the source of his ache but the closer I got the more my brain began to imagine.

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