Part 28 : For You

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I sat watching the TV seeing what Beth had done to the house since I had been away sipping a glass of wine, she had given me a glass and then had the rest of the bottle for herself drinking straight from the bottle listening to the music on the TV. Both us a little tipsy

"What was it like with Harry?" I asked her

"what do you mean?"

"Like... what did you get up to?" 

"Sex." she answered "dishes, laundry, you know that kinda stuff," she says "what about you and Benny?"

"Much the same, without the sex"

"How did you deal with the shower anyway it's in his living room?" 

"I showered when he was out" I shrug "Or when he's playing chess or reading about chess. honestly, if chess is involved I could be walking around naked screaming his name and that boy wouldn't look up" I giggled 

"why did you try?"

"No, it was just an example Beth"

"Dose, he still walks around in like that.... robe thing?"

"Yes, but I kinda stole it a little in the mornings, it fit me better anyway. and I felt my robe here" 

"What did you two spend all your time doing? really Y/n?" 

"I can't tell you beth,"

"Fine... let's play it this way," she says "while you where away I was having bedpost rattling sex with a boy and he tried playing chess with me while having sex"


"Rook to E4" she smiled "Pawn takes pawn" she giggled miming sex with her hips 

"that's amazing" I laughed sipping my drink "That was harry then?"

"I didn't say who"

"Well... while I was away, somebody... Took my virginity"

"Benny?" she asked angrily 

"I didn't say who" I smirked 

"Didn't know you still where a Virgin still"

"I was when I went to new york" 

"and now?"

"and now I'm not" 

"I danced naked in the livingroom while on drugs"

"I had sex against a doorframe"

"I showed my tits to a mail guy"

"I ride a guys cock... fuck that hurt the first time"

"Not even I've done that" she smirked "It hurt?"

"Like fuck the next morning I literaly couldn't move I had to get benny to drag me around the flat like a ragdoll" 

"So benny was there at the time?"

"In his room, doing.... I don't know bed chess I guess" I shrug "Then the next morning he was the only one around so"

"is that all benny does?"

"Chess and shit pretty much."

"You never used to swear" 

"You swear?"

"Yeah but you don't..." she says "you sound like benny"

"Do I?"

"You do, You have his tawng. you have his speaking style" she says "and the swearing"

"I spend alot of time with him,"  shrug 

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