Part 23: Faster!

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He smirked a little at me sitting himself over me comfortably he pulled my thighs so I wrapped my legs around his waist, my ankles interlocking at the base of his spine he hovered over me nervously he smiled a moment kissing my lips sweetly and softly and as he did his hips moved forward tenderly and slowly before I knew it I felt the rather sudden and shocking feeling of being pushed open him forcing his way inside, it didn't hurt it felt amazing but the shock of it all of a sudden making me almost faint grabbing his shoulders tightly digging my nails in a little my mouth open in shock 

"Are you okay?" He asks in a panic 

"fine... just uhh warning next time please benny"

"Ohh right sorry, it doesn't hurt though right?"

"it doesn't hurt" I smiled "It uhh it feels really nice actually"

"good girl" he smiled "just a little more," He says pushing even further I held him tightly never wanting to let him go as I slowly felt myself being filled and stretched slowly but surely every inch of him I took he waited a couple of seconds for me to stretch until I felt him child deep inside of me it was a strange sensation of being full of something I slightly squeezed myself trying to get used to this sensation "uumm... Uhh! stop squeezing, if you want me to have sex with you please stop doing that else this is gonna be over in like ten seconds"

"Aren't we having sex right now?"

"I haven't even moved yet" 

"Oohh... I thought that uuhh that was it"

"You thought me pushing in was sex? what kinda cracked up sex ed did you get at school y/n?" 

"All I know is sex is when that part of you goes in that part of me. that's all I know" I explain "that and what beth told me"

"Ohh you're going to have a heart attack" he laughs gently starting to move it felt like his fingers but much much more! I was on cloud nine from the second he started moving slowly getting faster and faster and faster, I bit on my mouth to stop myself screaming It felt so indescribably amazing 

"Ohh my god!" I groaned as he got even faster sitting himself up to hold my hips and move at a new angle 

"Fuck you feel so good!" he groans "why the fuck did I wait so long!" 

"You should have been having sex with me since I met you!"

"uuuhh if I ever get a time machine honeydew!" he moans just as I tightened around him "Fucking hell You beautiful girl!" 

"faster please benny!" I whine feeling the bubbles popping in my stomach 

"faster it is my sweet little girl" He smirked getting faster and faster still my hips bucking up to him my body shaking, my heart throbbing in my chest, stopped though by benny's hand grabbing my chest to grope them but this made him slow down 

"Faster!!" I whine 

"Fuck sorry-" he groans getting faster returning his hands to my hips but it still wasn't fast enough my giggly bubbles were popping but not enough not fast enough now hard enough 

"faster benny please!" I scream 

"I can't go any faster y/n" 

"Ughhhh!!! benny!" I squeal grabbing him tighter using all my strength and all my weight to flip us over to the other side of his bed so he was laid under me my legs around his hips my hands on his stomach I took meer seconds before I realized how much better it felt this way, he dept bigger, he was deeper inside me, hitting places I didn't know existed I felt like he was impaling me and I fucking loved it! not even my horny little teenage mind could think up the possibility of sitting riding on Benny Watts cock but I never wanted to stop. I bounced myself faster than anything else we had done at an inhuman pace his eyes rolled back holding my hips in desperation often trying to move his hips to keep up with me but he melted into me I don't think I had ever seen him so happy, so overwhelmed by his pleasure 

"fuck! Fuck y/n!" he moans loudly gasping for breath "You do know what this will do to you right?"

"I don't care benny!" I scream 

"Okay... if your sure-" he began "UGHHH! FUCK! Y/N! I don't know how much longer I can-" 

"I'm not stopping" I moaned 

"I don't want you too" He smirked grabbing my arse "I don't ever want you to stop my beautiful little honeydew!"

"I'm not going to" I smirked, "Not for the rest of my natural life you Lavish Elegant god!" I scream 

"FUCK!" he screamed, "I think I'm in love with you!" 

"UUUUHHH BENNY!" I screamed hitting my wall again tightening around him as I did which maybe have uhh well...

"OOOOHHH MY FUCKING GOD! Y/N!" He screamed his voice shredding as he did pushing me off him slightly so I landed on his thighs and he gasped for breath as he sprayed his seed across my stomach and we both collapsed on the bed. " and here I was being worried about going too hard on you" he smirked between breaths. 

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