Part 7 : Imagination

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'"well, well, what's this then? Have I stumbled upon a very beautiful girl in such a very naughty position, Ummm I think I have" Benny smirked leaning on my bedpost looking at me dressed as I last saw him when he had been playing my sister for a long time and had removed his jacket and his hat leaving him in his jeans and green unbuttoned shirt "don't worry, I locked the door after me" he winked

"What? What are you doing here Benny?'

"Well I came to visit your sister, give her some championship news but... I guess she's not here" he smirked, kneeling on my bed "I suppose I should get going, but I think my little girl needs to answer me honestly again?"

"Answer what?" I asked nervously

"Does it feel good?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded "good, what a dirty little girl touching her pretty little self, but I want it honestly y/n what are you thinking about?"


"Liar, what is my beautiful girl thinking about when she touched her pretty little pussy?" He smirked moving closer and closer until he was laid next to me in my bed but I didn't answer he simply picked up one of the clippings from my bed he saw it and smirked more before looking back to me "don't worry our little secret" he smirked kissing my cheek "but you won't be having these anymore" he said throwing it off my bed "not now you've got me?"

"Benny what are you-"

"Shhhh... quiet what if beth comes home and finds us up here, together in your bed, umm she would get very cross wouldn't she?" He smirked kissing down my neck and across my chest any skin exposed he was kissing "umm you've become such a beautiful girl y/n, I can't keep my hands off" he smirked "in fact, I don't think I will" he smirked his hand starting to touch me he gently and softly making me almost squeal "aww does that feel good?" He playfully smirked

"Benny please i-"

"What's wrong? Doesn't my pretty little girl want to finish? Doesn't she wanna feel amazing, and have me touching her forever?"

"I do but Benny I not sure I can, I never have before"

"Never? Ohh well now I really can't stop can I? How could I say no to giving my pretty girl her first?"

"Benny-" I gasped holding him tightly

"Shhhh it's okay, just relax and let me make you feel good" he smirked moving to sit over me pulling back the covers and my skirt and petticoats gently playing with me "uumm look how wet you are? Your so ready for me little lady"

"Ready for you?" I asked

"Don't you know that's why you get all wet? You get wet when your all excited and you do that because this pretty pussy knows I'm gonna wanna fuck it if your all excited"

"Benny!" I said in shock

"Ohh? What did you not want me inside you? Filling you up till it can't take any more of me? Having me bury myself deep inside you? Stretching your pretty pussy so it's perfect for me?" He growled between kisses I was feeling an edge and I couldn't bare anything stopping

"Of course I would" I blushed

"Well if you a good girl and cum on my hand, I'll fuck you, that a deal?" He asks and I nodded "that's my girl" he smirked getting faster and faster "ummm scream for me, little girl"

"I can't what if Beth's back"

"I don't care if beth hears us, I wanna hear you squeal so desperate for me, I wanna hear my name from your lips when you cum, I want everyone to know what my dirty little girl is up to and who she's imagining when she does" he growled biting my neck as I hit a massive wall of pleasure'

"Uuuhhh!! Uughhh! Benny!! BENNY!" I squealed

'"awww you look so cute when you cum" he smiled kissing my cheek letting me ride it out "shhhh it's okay it's normal to be a little tired after. Remember if you need me you know where I am" he smiled kissing me softly'

I laid in bed surrounded by some of my pictures from magazines my tummy still felt bubbly but a different kind

"Y/n we're home!" Mother yells from downstairs

"Hi" I yelled back my voice a little strange

"You alright dear?"

"Fine" I answered quickly getting up and putting everything says hiding any evidence unlocking my door

"Hey what did you do all day?" Beth asks as she came in with her things

"Nothing" I smiled.

The Other Harmon (Benny Watts TQG)Where stories live. Discover now