Part 16 : Harmon Vs Watts

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I continued playing and somehow I kept winning, and somehow I ended up in a situation I never ever imagined

Y/n Harmon VS Benny Watts

"What are we going to do?" I asked

"Well see" he shrugs

"You knew this would happen didn't you?"

"I had an idea" he winked "it'll be fine, maybe you'll beat me again" he smirked putting his arm around me "just relax you'll be fine" he says making me jump as he grabbed my butt

"Ahh!! Benny!' I complained in shock

"See you later honeydew" he smiled before heading off to do something else.

It was the hardest moment of my life playing against benny, not only was he insanely talented, but he knew exactly how to put me off and I could barely look up from the board as he always smiled at me or I got all blushy until eventually I gave in and resigned he knew what I was doing and looked a little disappointed. He got up and offered his hand so I got up and took it expecting the usual handshake but he kissed my hand and smiled at me "I'm honoured to win against such a beautiful young lady"

I was blushing harder than I think I ever had before.

As soon as a the press and paperwork was done we got packed up and headed to the airport, I was so very tired that when we got on the plane I fell asleep against benny's shoulder

"Aww, okay honeydew you get some rest, I'll wake you when we get into New York." He whispered, kissing my head.

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