Part 14 : Hi Beth

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I woke up rather suddenly to a loud banging, I was so confused about what was going on. I sat up a little Benny's arms still around me falling loose where he was still somehow fast asleep. I got up out the bed, slipped my dressing gown on and looked through the peephole to see Beth standing there.

"Benny! Benny wake up!" I complained shoving him

"Hu? What? Ohh what's that racket?" He complained

"That's beth on the other side of the door"

"Shit!" He says quickly getting out of bed and getting some clothes jumping into the bathroom and locking the door I tried my dressing gown up and heard the water running so I opened the door

"Hi Beth, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Last minute decided to come and... keep an eye on the tournament"

"Are you playing?"

"No, they were full. But it's still good to look at the competition" she says coming in and wandering around the hotel room fiddling with things "where is he?"

"Where's who?" I asked

"Benny" she chuckled

"Oohh uhh in the shower" I blushed

"Umm" she nodded, seeming like she didn't believe me look a lot at the bed "I thought he promised twin beds?"

"There was a mix-up-"

"How convenient for him"

"Well he was such a gentleman, he made little bed up on the floor and let me have the whole bed" I smiled

"Did he, how very kind of him. So who slept on this side of the bed y/n?" She Asks

"I did"

"I've shared a room with you since you were born. I know you barely move in your sleep and this... is clearly two people"

I didn't answer I knew she could read my face like a book and just as she was going to speak again the door opened revealing a dressed Benny

"Oohh uhh hi Beth"

"Benny watts you dam cowboy bastard, you tell me and you tell me the truth, what the hell have you done to my sister"

"I haven't done anything I swear"

"Fine, I'll see you later' she says to me before leaving the room.

The Other Harmon (Benny Watts TQG)Where stories live. Discover now