Part 17 : I Just Want... You

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When we landed I woke up a little more but still being very tired we got through the airport and out to the dark city getting a taxi to take us somewhere else even if I almost fell asleep in there too "aww you really are sleepy aren't you?" He laughs but soon enough the taxi stopped, Benny paid him and we got out with our stuff he leads me down to a basement apartment, it was small and not very decorated everything but the bathroom and his bedroom was one room even the shower was technically in the living room "there we go, now you can sleep till your heart's content honeydew,"

"Umm I'm not that tired anymore" I smiled sitting on a little chair

"Aren't you? You've been fast asleep since Austin, I barely managed to get you thought the airport before you fell asleep on me" he laughs sitting in a chair next to me

"Benny?" I asked


"Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you" he smiled "I'm... a little disappointed that's all"


"Because... you can do better than that. I know you can. I know you're better than that, you gave up" he explained, "why?"

"You're harder to play against now," I said "the board gets lost... when I'm with you"

"Y/n," he began "your a lot better than you give yourself credit for"

"It's not that important to me" I shrug "it's just a game to me, not life like it is to you"

"I don't want chess to be my life"

"You seemed to like it that way"

"I did, till I met you"

"What difference did I make?" I asked

"Y/n... before I met you, chess was my life, it was everything to me. I barely even though about girls at all, and even when I did think about the future it was always just chess and being a champion and becoming a master, but even when I thought about girls I always just kinda thought..." he explained "I'd end up with someone, like your sister"


"I thought a while about someone like Beth, hell maybe even beth. But... were too similar, we think the same, we work the same and that's amazing but I can't be with someone like me" he explained "and I don't want someone like me anymore, I don't want anyone. I just want... you"

"Benny that's sweet but-" I began

"Are you really going to try and tell me you don't want me too?" He laughs "I'm not an idiot y/n I can see the way you look at me, I can see when you blush and when you can't help but look away, plus... I may have seen something when you were younger"

"Seen what?" I asked

"When you went to Vegas with beth, and you were sat between matches getting your schoolwork done I kinda had a little peek at your notebook" he explained "and I remember it said very clearly a couple of pages in, all about chess stuff you'd been doing with beth and then in a little margin two little red hearts, one said and I quote Mrs Y/n Watts, and then the other down the page said I love-"

"Benny I wrote that when I was in middle school" I blushed

"You still wrote it" he smirked 

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