Part 26 : ohh loverboy?

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I smiled as I dug through the small pile of records Benny had in his apartment for the record player "ooohh love is strange" I giggled putting the record on letting in a spin as I moved the middle of the room stepping over benny's legs as he sat in his chair reading a chess book. As the music began to play and I began dancing around the living room wiggling my hips and my boobs a lot, my nightie all over the place it ridden up slightly to reveal my lace panties, my socks against the floor and up to my thighs my little cardigan around my shoulders as I danced playing with my hair and my clothes as I did. I could feel Benny's eyes on me but it fueled me so I turned to him as he sat on his chair with his book looking at me over his book, his hand on his cheek watching what I was up to as I started singing which only made him laugh slightly while singing with me at times.

"Y/n?" He asks in time with the music but I don't think he meant it so

"Yes, Benny?" I giggled back to him and he sighed going along with me

"How do you call your loverboy?"

"Come here lover boy" I smirked leaning my hands on the table letting him look down my nightie

"And if he doesn't answer?"

"Oohh lover boy" I giggled sitting on the floor my legs open, my head was thrown back a little playfully

"And I'd he still doesn't answer?"

"I simply say," I giggled "Benny" I giggled crawling closer to him "oohhh Benny' I giggled kneeling in front of his chair grabbing his book and throwing it into the table "my sweet Benny" I giggled nuzzling my head on his thigh "your the one" I sing dancing as Sexual as I could to the music pulling down my cardigan a little until rather suddenly the music stopped he had turned off the record player "hey, I was grooving" I whine

"You're not a hippie y/n," he says

"Who said I was?"

"Your acting like one"


"You can't be a hippie y/n, you're a chess champion I think by definition your not a hippie" he says

"Would you let me if I wanted to be?"

"I don't know... you gonna keep dancing around like that in my living room?'


"Then no"

"Why? Wouldn't you want me burning bras and sitting around half-naked? And doing sexy dances just for you?"

"You can dance if you want" he answered relaxing a little

"Ummm thank you Benny darling" I smiled kissing him rather hard and going to the bedroom door leaning on the door frame staring at him "Benny?" I called playfully but he just looked unimpressed getting his book back continuing where he was I pulled my nightie down flashing him my tits but he didn't even look up from his book and then I giggled getting an idea "oohh lover boy?" I called making him look up at me

"Really?" He laughs I smirked licking my lips as I looked at him

"Oohhh lover boy?" I called again moving my index finger slowly to beckon him over he put his book down coming over wrapping his arms around my waist

"Yes honeydew?"

"Benny, please..." I whine running my fingers down his exposed chest

"What do you want?" He smirked

"Ummm I want you to fuck me until I blackout" I smirked

"Oohh? Is my little honeydew.." he began lifting my legs to wrap around his hips undoing his jeans quickly as he wore no belt "addicted to having my cock inside her?"

"Maybe... maybe she wouldn't get so desperate if Benny fucked her more often"

"Y/n you haven't even been in my house for three days and we've had sex nine times"

"Your counting?"

"Of course I am" he smirked "just for that my dirty little Minix you don't get the bed" he smirked ripping my panties off and slipping Inside me

"Uhhh Benny!" I gasped feeling him inside me again

"I'm fucking you against the door frame" he smirked I grabbed him hard to make sure I'd didn't fall tightening my legs around him as he moved back and forth mercilessly bouncing me on him the bubbles in my tummy bursting rapidly and harshly the gravity of trying to be pulled down only made me sink deeper into him which only felt better

"Uughhh! Benny please! I'm close!" I squealed

"I know honeydew, I am too" he gasped biting at my neck as he got closer and closer and soon enough I hit my wall tightening around him and within meer seconds he finished inside me and pushed he hard against the doorframe, I didn't care he finished Inside I just wanted his cock and I got it even if it was just a quickie both of us holding each other tightly somehow leaning on each other and yet still keeping each other up as we gasped and calmed down "Fuck... I love quickies" he smirked

"I do too" I giggled

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