Part 22 : BENNY!

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I smiled as he moved to be laid on me his chest against my own his body kept up by his arms his leg between my own He smiled down at me "You wanna kiss a little first?" He asks and I nodded hoping it would calm my nerves so he smiled leaning down and kissing me, I kissed him softly and slowly, we both seemed to relax into the kiss his hand moving back to my breast making me pull away 

"You really like that don't you?" I giggled noticing he had even gone for the same breast 

"They're too beautiful to resist, Much like the rest of you my sweet girl" he smiled I giggled pulling him back to kissing me he kissed back his hand moving which made me jump a little it moved away from my breast slipping down my stomach, I began to breath faster my heart beating out my chest as his hand slipped between my legs tenderly and carefully rubbing on me 

"Uhh benny-" I gasped 

"shhh shh shhh it's okay" he whispered kissing my neck "It's okay," he muttered gently rubbing on my clit moving his hand down even more gently touching me and I almost screamed in shock as his finger slipped inside me "Fuck you're tight" 

"Well yeah, No kidding benny" 

"Shhh its okay, just relax that will help," He says 

"just do it, it's going to hurt either way"

"Y/n it's not meant to hurt the first time. It can if your not careful, it's okay don't worry I'll make it so it won't hurt I promise" He says winking at me before moving his hand away "Just promise me something?"


"don't pull my hair too hard" He warns I nodded a little confused before he gave my cheek a kiss and moved wrapping the covers around me and moving his hands around my thighs next thing I knew he was kissing my clit and gently sucking on me I gasped in shock almost screaming feeling each kiss, each lick, each suck make bubbles in my stomach burst sending little waves of pleasure across my body 

"Uhhh... Uuuhh... benny" I gasped my heart throbbing in my chest, my breathing unsteady, my legs shaking it felt so good I never wanted him to stop his hair gently ticking me using his scratchy facial hair to his advantage I moved my legs one across his bed to give him space to get closer the other across his shoulder often moving my foot up and down his back as I relaxed into a heavenly cloud of pleasure "Ummmm.... uuuummmmm... Benny" I moaned moving my hand to pet his soft hair I could feel how wet I was getting and his licking was making that worse the bubbles in my stomach began poping much more frequently and more of them were popping and each one sending much stronger waves across me I knew I was gasping, moaning, groaning but he seemed fueled by my noises as I knew I was beyond close squeezing him with my foot running my heel up and down his spine tugging hard on his hair as my eyes rolled back-

"Hey! what did I say about that" He complained moving away a moment to shoe my hand away his voice vibrating me as he spoke 

"BENNY!" I whine 

"Sorry sorry" he laughs rolling his eyes and returning to kissing and sucking running his tongue across me and one little kiss later I hit a wall of pleasure exploding out of me like he set a firework off on my clit I shot up a little my upper body almost upright grabbing his hair and my thighs squeezing on his head my leg tight around his body my eyes rolling back into my head my mouth hung open as I uhh... well


I gasped and collapsed back flat on the bed savouring each of his kisses in my aftershock all of them making me let out long groans till I collapsed completely against his bed. 

"whoa... somebody liked that didn't she?" He smirked sitting up and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand "Was that... the first time you've ever done that?"

"no" I gasped 

"No? did you do it by yourself?" he asks and I nodded "it's always ten times better when someone else does it" he winked 

"It uhh it was always you" 

"Always me- Ooohh... My sweet little honeydew. you're telling me you use to touch yourself for me? moaning for me and cumming for me?"

"I always imagined you doing it" 

"Dirty girl" he smirked "So? you're nice and wet now? you... want me to keep going?" 

"yes please" I giggled 

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