Part 12 : Benny Are You Okay?

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Our actual trip part of Austin was amazing getting to see all these lovely places and then coming back to our room playing chess in bed and all of it Benny never left me alone for a moment making sure I was safe and happy. Sleeping has been complicated. Benny insisted on sleeping on the floor even if I often told him he could share the bed with me.

I sat on the bed trying to sleep but I couldn't, running over patterns and plays Benny had taught me in my head but I couldn't sleep I wanted to do more so I almost jumped off the side of the bed Looking down to the little bed Benny set up on the floor but it was empty I didn't hear him get up. I moved my hand to the blankets and they were Still warm he couldn't have gone far but everything was locked up as it was when we went to bed but then I heard it strange I had neglected my hearing until now it was a strange noise coming from the small bathroom I jumped out of bed and knocked on the door

"Benny are you okay?" I asked

"What! No yes! I uhh I'm fine!" He yelled back

"Are you sure Benny? Are you sure you're not sick?"

"No, I'm fine"

"Uhh okay" I answered sitting on the bed a little worried about him but that noise sounded so familiar to me. And then it hit me my own twisted deviant imagination of what the noise would be if me and Benny where to-.oooh... I went back to the door and knocked much louder "Benny open this door or I will"

"What no no no!" He says quickly so I sighed turning the doorknob and as I suspected he leant against the sink in his underwear and a small shirt his hard dripping cock in his hand clearly seconds from release he hid himself away as quickly as he could but I had seen everything. 

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