Part 29: Secret

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As soon as I arrived I threw my things in my hotel room and ran off to the championship area even if they were still setting up. Seeing the others all here checking there names and tables as well as there schedules and I saw him stood on his long leather coat his hands in his pockets chewing on his lip a little as he reads

"Benny!" I smiled even if it was a little louder than I wanted it to be

"Y/n '' he smiled as excited to see me as I was to see him. I almost jumped on him, his arms instantly wrapping around me tighter than ever holding me so my feet were completely off the ground. It had been months since I saw him last when he bidded me a tear-stained goodbye when I left new york to go back home to beth, we had been talking on the phone and sending letters almost non stop but with championships and travel and money we just hadn't been able to see each other and I had missed him terribly. Not to mention the fact we hadn't had sex since the morning I left new york.

He put me down again still holding me close

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" I smiled moving close to his face my head under his hat where I was much shorter than him even in heels he glanced around and everyone was busy hardly anyone even noticed I was there so he gave my lips a tiny peck trying not to do too much even if it was obvious he wanted to pick me up like a princess kiss me and carry me off to his room and show me just how much he had missed me, but I wasn't having that, I knew it was better for less in public but I haven't seen him so long I couldn't help it "oh no you don't" I smirked grabbing the collar of his jacket pulling him back to kissing me our kissed quickly became making out, his hands pulling me tighter to him letting me feel the stiffness of his jeans but I kept quiet being careful not to draw attention as we had promised to keep our relationship a secret, from other chess people Incase they could use it against us, from the Media because we didn't want the attention it would course and most importantly to try and keep it a secret from -

"Beth! You're here" I heard Matt smile so I instantly put space between me and Benny as the two chatted until she came over to us

"Hello y/n, Benny" she sighed

"Hi Beth" I smiled

"Hello Beth"

"What's that on your face, Benny?" She asked and I looked and... fuck he had my lipstick on him

"Uuuuuuuuhhh... blood. I uhh punched myself in the face"

"Okay..." she nods "after the match we need to have a chat" she says going off to her table. 

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