Part 25: Uhh... help

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I groaned as I was forced from my sleepy state of mind, and discovered the bed was empty the covers wrapped around me tightly I whined a little moving my arm around the bed to double check but it was empty, Ohhhh where's my benny? I went to move my leg but suddenly felt in horrible pain. Ohh no Please don't tell me I got my period at benny's! in his bed! ohh no oh no ohh no. but I checked and nothing no blood just a little of my wetness from last night and a little of benny's seed where it had slipped down from my stomach I could barely move my legs and when I did it hurt it was like having a cramp in my hip joins I forced myself out of bed by which I mean I collapsed onto the floor with the sheets I was wrapped in to protect me from going headfirst onto the concrete floor, I pushed the covers off me grabbed benny's shirt I stole last night wrapping it around me as I kneeled on the floor I used the sheets like a boat scooting myself along the floor but every moment was an agony I got from beside his bed to the half-open glass door before I collapsed on my back staring at the ceiling.


"Morning" his voice answered I looked and saw him in the kitchen stood leant against the counter in his jeans without his belt, his bare chest and a silky robe over his shoulders and arms a coffee in his hand 

"uhh... Help"

"What's the matter?"

"I can't move my legs, If I try it hurts" 

"Yeah... had a feeling that would happen" 


"It happens when you ride someone for the first time y/n it's a new position for your hips and your thighs for a long period of time plus all the bouncing up and down" he explained 

"You could have warned me about that"

"I tried" he laughed "If you recall correctly I did ask if you knew what happens when you do that the first time and your response was and I quote I don't care benny, and then you proceeded to ride my cock like a mechanical bull" He explained, "remember?"

"I do remember this conversation loosely"

"and I have no sympathy for you honeydew," He says "Coffee?"

"Yes please," I smiled "Benny!! come help me" I whine 


"Benny!" I complain "Help your injured girlfriend" I whine putting my arms up expectantly "as it was your cock at injured me I feel that's fair enough"

"Fine" he sighed rolling his eyes at me "Up we go" He says lifting me up like a bride and carrying me to the chair sitting me down and kissing my head "Breakfast?"

"yes please" I smiled as he returned to the kitchen "Thank you benny" I call

"You're welcome honeydew" he calls back 

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