Part 24 : The Thing?

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I smiled wider than I ever have in my life. The happiest I had been for as long as I can remember.

The soft cosy mattress against me, the little orange light from the side table all that illuminated his apartment, the frosted glass windows and door dark completely as if nothing was beyond them, the ticking of the clock the only sound but our breaths, The sheet around me tightly to prevent me from getting cold. My naked body against the covers even if I felt so warm and a little sweaty, benny's strong yet slender arm around me loosely his head against my back his hair gently tickling me his back against my own as he spooned me his naked body tight to my own just as hot and just as sweaty. He was shaking a little but had calmed down now his heart rate going insane and his breaths jagged and harsh. I could feel my stomach still bubbling from what had been done to me, my legs aching a little and my insides hurt a little bit. I could feel the strange stuff running off my stomach slowly onto the sheets.

"Benny?' I spoke up

"Ummm?" He groans sounding tried

"Doesn't matter..." I said tucking the covers around me more but he tightens his grip and pressed a kiss to my back it was long and harsh

"What's the matter honeydew?"

"Nothing's the matter, I just wanted to say thank you," I smiled "for being... gentle with me"

"Well I had to be, it was your first time after all. And if I had made you hurt you might not wanna do it again"

"And do you wanna do it again?' I giggled

"Humm give me a minute Honeydew" he smirked "I can't go again instantly you know"

"I was only asking Benny, I meant like in general. Would you wanna see me again?"

"Why were you going?' he asks


"Well you're staying here so where exactly am I or you going that would mean I'd need to see you again?"

"I'm not going to live here forever Benny beth will want me home at some point"

"Well she can wait, till I'm done with you" he smirked

"Was it... okay?" I asked

"Of course it was," he smiled "was it, good for you too?"

"Very good" I smiled "you didn't amazing Benny"

"Umm thank you" he smiled kissing my back again but nothing else

"Hello?" I giggled moving my shoulder to stir him where he had fallen asleep a little


"Did I do okay?"

"You did fantastic my sweet little honeydew," He says so I giggled and turned to face him, unfortunately, disturbing where he was so comfy on my back "I was laying there" he whined

"Well I wanted to lay here" I smiled resting my head on his chest he laughed a little wrapping his arms around me to gently play with my hair and resting my hand on his chest to run across his skin rather playfully

"As I'm awake and, thinking, you wanna talk about it?"

"Talk about what Benny?"

"The... thing we just did"

"What about it?"

"Well, it was your first time anything you wanna say? About maybe good or bad stuff?"

"It was all good Benny" I giggled "I like the uhh... the thing"

"The thing?"

"The thing you did"

"The thing I did?" He says "y/n I did a lot of things that don't help me"

"The thing... with your tongue" I giggled blushing a little he looked down at me a little confused then I licked his skin where I had my head and it clearly clicked

"Ooh... you mean when I went down on you?"

"Went down on me?"

"That's what's it's called, or eating out, or just head" he shrugs

"Oh well whatever it is I like it"

"I figured you would. Maybe you can do that to me someday?" he winked "I rather liked when you decided I was going fast enough so pushed us over and sat on top of me, that was uhh... that was awesome please please do that again that's amazing"

"Knowone did that to you before?"

"Nope, but that was good," he says

"Ohh and ahh thank you for... you know"

"For what?"

"For... in my stomach"

"Ohh your welcome, don't wanna be making babies"

"Ummm, I liked all of it, and it's all good" I giggled

"Want me to do it again?" He smirked

"Maybe," I giggled. 

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