Part 15 : Tonight

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Somehow I still don't know, I was doing well it was so strange when beating these people I had seen beth take on until at the end of the first day I won all my matches

"I told you" Benny smirked as he finished with his own

"You did"

"What did you do to that poor kid? That guy you played before lunch?"

"I don't know, he didn't seem happy to be beaten by a girl"

"Maybe he was too distracted by your beauty"

"Maybe he was a bad chess player" I smiled

"Well those two aren't mutually exclusive"

"True, what did you wanna do tonight?"

"I didn't want, haven't really thought about it"

"Then think about it"

"Okay... maybe go down to the bar?"

"No, I don't wanna drink we have games tomorrow"

"We could go out to dinner?"

"I'm not that hungry"

"We could always... go up to our room, get cosy in bed, maybe see if there's a film on, and order room service?" He suggested putting his arm around me "and then have a little practice and then an early night" he suggested

"I'd like that" I smiled

"Alright come on then," he says taking my hand and we went up to our room, I got into my nightie and into bed with Benny as he too had got down to his sleeping clothes, and had ordered our dinner sitting it on the bed while we flicked thought channels till we found some movie it was a horror but it was kinda funny.

Our room was completely dark but that black and white flashing from the tv screen in the corner, I heard him yawn and as he did I noticed his arm moving from where it had been peacefully in the covers to now be wrapped around me.

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