Part 33 : Oi!

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I sighed looking up at the ceiling I groaned forcing myself out the bed pushing my feet with force to take tiny baby steps like a baby deer, holding onto anything I could to steady myself grabbing the door to try and keep myself from falling face-first onto the floor 

"Oi! what the fuck are you doing!" Benny yelled as he spotted me, He was stood in the kitchen in his jeans and his robe with his chest exposed he was making coffee but as soon as he saw me he ran over holding me in his arms 

"No! I can do it" I said pushing him away grabbing the doorframe giving it a slight hit as I did every time I passed the thing 

"Y/n, you can't walk," He says picking me up and carrying me to the sofa sitting me down there tucking me in with a blanket and giving my head a kiss before he returned to the kitchen 

"This is the same as I was!" I complain "It's just a different bit of ceiling" I complain 

"Yep," he says bringing me a coffee and sitting in the chair with his book "You're not walking around not till your better I keep telling you that"

"and I keep ignoring you"

"you do, Listen to me I am a smart boy," he says messing with my hair 

"You're a dick" I sighed

"You're starting to sound like your sister" he laughs "Honeydew, you know I'm just trying to help, don't you? strangely enough, I'm worried about you"

"Can I have wine?"


"Can I have some Painkillers?" 

He checked his watch "not till tonight" 

"Can I have a kiss?"

"yes you can" he smiled leaning over to give me a kiss 

"Can I... have something else?"


"Can I... Have some, Sexy time?"


"why not!"

"We can't have sex till your better doctor's orders"

"I didn't mean sex" I giggled he looked at me a little confused what I meant and I stuck my tongue out t him 

"I'm not going down on you honeydew" 

"Why not!" I whine like a child 

"because you're going through as it was described to me anyway like a very very long and painful period and oddly enough I don't really want to have my mouth down there right now"


"because its the same as going down on you while you're on a period and I have made my position on that very clear to you honeydew" 

"Please Benny" I whine "It'll make me feel better"

"Nope," he says 

"Fine... Can  suck your dick?"


"why not?"

"I'm not horny"

"Are you sure?"

"pretty dam sure"

"Who are you and what have you done with benny watts?" 

"You're Impossible when you're like this" he sighed going to the kitchen for something 

"Come on benny we have to do something! I'm so bored" 

"So you sleep with me when your bored?" He laughs

"It takes up a couple of hours" I shrug

"Unbelievable" he sighed "You are spending way too much time with your sister"

"Maybe all Harmon Women turn into bitches eventually" 

"Your words not mine" 

"Ohhh your so nice to me benny" I laughed "You know I could say your a skinny little bastard with an insane brain, no money management skills and your only redeeming quality is that your sweet and your dick is like nine inches?" 

"and I could say you your a chubby little bitch who has a habit of burning bridges and being mean to people because she has no filter and part of the only reason I hang around with you is the fact you let me fuck you as much as I want?"

"Love you" I giggled "You know I don't mean it"

"Love you too, You know I don't mean it either honeydew" he smiled "Hey? if you're so bored why don't we get a takeaway tonight?"

"Oooohh can we get Chinese food?" 

"How about Pizza?"

"Ewww no! I don't like new york pizza it's gross"

"Fine, Chinese food." he sighed sitting back in his chair with another coffee giving my head another kiss. 

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