Part 20 : I Want to

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I pushed him away from me little my face red and my body shaking, at the sudden thrill of what was to happen between us, something I had only ever dreamt of. the mere idea made my legs shake, my stomach tie in knots and my head full with thoughts of the past. all the nights alone in my room or in hotel rooms thinking about Benny Watts the picture of my fantasy and my imagination like touching myself had a name and a face. But it truly belonged to him and now the reality was to happen I choked and panicked like a little girl.  He noticed the second I pulled back my hands on his bare smooth, warm chest. his on my waist his thumb gently moving the fabric of his shirt his eyes full of worry and of fear.

"what's wrong Honeydew?"

"Benny... I probably should have said something-"

"what is it?"

"I'm a virgin" 

"A Virgin? so... you've never had sex before?" He asks making me sit on his bed 

"Never, I uhh I've imagined it a lot of times though" I blushed 

"Imagined? like fantasized?" he asked and I nodded he smiled holding my hand sweetly "we don't have to... if you don't want to, we can just go to bed"

"No" I smiled "I want to" 

"Are you sure ?" he asks "This is your first time that's important,"

"I want to benny, I want to with you the first time" 

"Well... I'd be honoured to take your virginity My sweet y/n" he smiled "My Honeydew," He says kissing my head 

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