Part 32 : The DoorFrame

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I came too in a strange place. I was in a hospital, tucked up in a bed with things everywhere the room a harsh white and blue I could hear a heart rate monitor bleeping My stomach felt in more pain than it ever had, my legs felt numb and my mind blank... what happened to me? I remember telling beth everything and I remember benny saying that He loved me? maybe I fainted? or maybe after all this time, I did have a heart attack? I looked and saw beth sat in the chair beside the bed 

"Hey" she smiled 

"Hey," I smiled "what happened?"

"You fainted," she says "we were talking and you fell off your chair and collapsed on the floor" she explained "All though I'm not surprised"

"yeah, guess it was kinda a shock" I giggled "Benny's never told m that before"

"Told you what?"

"That he loved me" I smiled 

"Y/n you didn't faint from shock"

"I didn't?"

"No well I won't doubt you where surprised if he never told you before, but I don't know how you sat there in that amount of pain"

"Beth? what happened to me?"

"What did it feel like? like your period? like stress?" she asked 

"beth! what happened?"

"Doctor said... You miscarried. you must have been for hours before you fainted, they rushed you here and checked you over, you're doing fine" she explained


"You where Pregnant... guess you didn't tell me that either" she sighed

"beth... I had no idea" I told her and it was clear she read in my face I wasn't lying to her "How... how the hell could I have been pregnant?"

"I imagine from all the 'bedpost rattling sex'" she laughed making me blush a little 

"No... it, it's not possible, I mean benny was my first I haven't done anything with anyone but him and... he always pulled out" I explain "and - and I was on the Pill anyway" 

"Where you? Y/n you left them at home" she says "Your pills are in the bathroom at home, you didn't take them you new york with you" 

"Does he know?"

"No, Doctor kicked him out when we were talking about it, he's getting coffee" 

"How did I not know I was pregnant?"

"If you thought you were taking your birth control you wouldn't have got a period you could have been pregnant and not even known"

"but new York was months ago"

"Doctor said you were roughly four months" 

"I still don't understand Benny always pulled out always, ... Unless we weren't in bed," I said as it clicked in my head 

"what do you mean?" she asks

"The doorframe" 

"what do you mean the doorframe?"

"Beth I'm sorry but if you don't wanna hear this core your ears," I told her "Benny had sex with me against the doorframe to his bedroom... and as I recall he did finish inside me" 

"Lovely, I never In my life imagined I'd know so much about benny watt's dick but here we are" she sighed 

"I'm pregnant...."

"Well, not anymore. you Miscarried so your not  pregnant  anymore" she explained just as the door opened revealing benny with a cup of coffee in his jeans and his black T-shirt looking tired and stressed

"Why didn't you come to get me like I fucking asked you too!" He complained to beth quickly coming and sitting on the bed with me "Hey, You okay? feel better?"

"Yeah much better" I nodded 

"I'll leave you two alone," Beth said as she got up and left the room 

"Y/n... What happened? the Doctor's wouldn't tell me. and beth was being a Bitch for some reason" 

"Its uhh... its a lot, I only just found out most of it myself"

"Please Honeydew?" 

"I fainted apparently" I began "From stress, from surprise,  from pain"

"yeah... guess I kinda made you jump a little" he blushed 

"You did, I never Imagined you felt that way about me"

"Y/n of course I do" 

"you've never told me before"

"... I did. Once, if you remember?"


"Our first night together?" He reminded "You were uhhh... bouncing on my cock at the time and I said ' I think I'm in love with you', But you came like five seconds after so I don't think you heard me really"

"Why didn't you say anything? afterwards?" 

"I was afraid I'd scared you"

"scared me?"

"it was the first time we'd had sex and I blurted out that I loved you, strangely enough, I was kinda embraced and I didn't exactly wanna bring it up again. if you didn't hear me then you didn't hear me" he explained "I was a little concerned I'd freaked you out" 

"You didn't scare me, it just... surprised me when you said, especially in front of beth" I smiled "Would you really do all that for me benny?"

"Of course I would" he smiled kissing my head "If you wanted me too, you have only to ask," he says "But Y/n please what happened to you? they wouldn't have whisked you away in an ambulance to the nearest hospital if you just fainted?" 

"I had been in pain all day I hadn't thought about it... I assumed it was stress or my period but"


"I had a Miscarriage"

"A- A Misscairge?" he asked in shock "... why didn't you tell me?"

"tell you what?"

"That you were fucking pregnant!"

"I didn't even know"

"Was it... Mine?"

"Who else's would it be?"

"I don't know... I don't know if you were seeing other boys when you got home"

"Benny, I've only ever been with you" 

"But I always-"

"Not always"

"What do you mean?"

"Love is strange benny" I giggled 

"Fuck... the doorframe"

"yeah, I assume anyway"

"I'm sorry" 

"Sorry what?"

"That I got you pregnant, and that you lost it. and that I scared you half to death when I told you how I felt"

"It's okay, it's not your fault" I smiled holding his hand "Benny?"

"Yes Honeydew?"

"I love you too" I smiled giving him a kiss 

"I love you more" He smiled caressing my cheek 

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