Part 31 : Y/N!

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I stood passing trying to think of a way out of this, trying to think of an excuse of anything I could do to help this situation.

"Y/n, stop your going round and round like a vulture," Benny says putting his hands on my upper arms to top me walking around and around his room, "Well... its happened now there is no point worrying over it if beth has seen it then she's seen it there isn't anything we can do about it" he explained, "if she hasn't then we go from there, maybe this isn't what she needs to talk to us about?"

"Ohh and what does she need to talk to us both about?"

"Maybe she wants to take us out for ice cream?" 

"This is beth we are talking about..."

"True" he sighed "Y/n, Maybe we should just tell her the truth. I mean if she hasn't read it she will see it at some point or someone will tell her, I mean... we weren't going to keep it a secret forever," he says holding my hands "Then maybe we could see each other more, and get to talk without her listening in on the phone"

"maybe your right benny," I sighed "But what if she gets mad and never lets me see you again?"

"Y/n I highly doubt-" he began but then he thought about it more "well... If she does, you can always pack up and come live with me" 

"Benny? are you serious?"

"Of course I am, Hell you were living with me more or less before, If you wanted too I have no problem with you coming to new york to live with me" 

"what would people say?"

"what haven't they already said?" 

"what about beth?"

"she can like it or not, Y/n... beth's your sister, she's not your mother if you want to do something she doesn't approve off then you do it, your not a little girl anymore y/n" 

"Okay, we'll see" I smiled but held my stomach tightly

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah... yeah I uhh I thought it was just the shock of reading the magazine but I think it uhh it's just that time" I explain

"Alright, if you're sure," he says giving me a little kiss just as the door knocked I squeezed his hands and went to the door opening it to beth letting her into the room before I could even say a word I knew we were fucked as she held a copy of chess review under her arm. "Hi be-" he began

"sit your skinny arse down before I shove my heel up it," she said through gritted teeth 

"Yes Mam" He nodded sitting on a chair at the table 

"You too" she told me so I did as she asked sitting on the little hotel chair at the tiny table next to benny she sat down across from us slapping the magazine on the table open to the article 

"Beth I can explain-"

"You're not going to explain. you are going to simply answer my questions and you are nothing going to tell me the fucking truth or so help me I am going to drown you both in the pool"

"yes beth" I nodded 

"Swear to me?"

"I promise"

"Austin. why where you sharing a room?"

"I booked for both us but didn't realize they put us in one room, by the time the paperwork came though I tried to call and change it the hotel was full so... we shared" benny explained and I nodded 

"Why did you want the trip so long?"

"So we could have a holiday" I answered 

"were you together? in Austin"

"No, we hadn't even kissed yet" 

"were you lying when I visited and asked about the bed"

"not completely... the day you visited was the first night we shared the bed" benny answered 

"so you had shared the bed that night?"

"Yes" I admit "But nothing else, just sharing the bed... maybe a little cuddling" 

"were you interested in her? before Austin?"

"yes..." benny answered

"How long for?"

"Since we first met" he blushed "But we only started talking and seeing each other since Las vegas a few years later" 

"did you ask for a double bed?"

"No! they had made that up I swear beth I did not ask for a double bed, it was probably just some receptionist trying to get more print" 

"What did they mean by noises? because that's the one thing in your story that doesn't add up about Austin"

"... I was masturbating in the bathroom when y/n was sleeping" 

"I caught him one night" I giggled 

"New York, what the fuck happened?"

"We... told each other how we felt" I blushed 

"Which is?"

"That I had a crush on him since I was younger"


"And... We kissed. and shared a bed..."

"And you told me you lost your virginity in new york?"

"I did, Our first night in His apartment" I blushed holding benny's hand and he held me too squeezing my hand back "and from then on we where uhh... yeah you can imagine"

"I don't want to imagine I want to know"

"We were having sex... regularly, sharing the bed," I blushed 

"chess, fuck, chess, fuck, so on and so on" Benny answered 

"so when I called and asked you-"

"I lied, I never slept in the livingroom the whole time I was in new york. We were having a lot and I mean a lot of bedposts rattling sex and we decided one night that we would... be a couple" 

"When you came home?"

"We kept going, just long distance. calling, sending letters," I explain "That should be everything"

"Why? Why the hell did you decide to fuck my sister?" 

"I didn't decide to fuck your sister beth! I didn't go out and deiced one day, hey you know what's really gonna make beth more pissed at me and wanna kill me even more than she already does? Ohh I know I'll bang her younger sister!" He complained almost yelling "I didn't for any of this to happen, I just,  I like y/n, she's... everything I've ever wanted" He explained "I tried for a really long time not to show it and not to do anything about it but, I couldn't help it But she's my girlfriend and I care about her more than anything" 

"How much?"

"I'd give anything for her"
"Would you throw the US title for her?"

"yes" He nodded making me feel like I was having a heart attack hearing him say these things he didn't even think about it "Id liked her forever, and then when we started... to get closer it all just kinda happened." He explained "and I love her"

next thing I knew I was on the hotel room carpet my body shaking and numb from the pain my head spinning and my eyes going dark

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Benny and Beth shouting in shock. 

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