Chapter 6: Getting some answers

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F/N's perspective

I wasn't sure how long I was out for, couple hours? Maybe a day? I don't know, all I did know was when I woke up, my body ached.

Sitting up I shielded my eyes as light from an early morning sun rose over the forest outside. Letting my eyes adjust, I rubbed my shoulder, pain erupted from where I had been shot. I yanked my hand away while gritting my teeth. Looking at it, I saw that my shoulder had been bandaged up, and probably could say the same for my thigh. Very slowly I moved my legs to the side and let them hang off the side of the bed. Glancing around me, I nearly freaked out when I saw the IG droid sat limp in a chair off to the side.

With that near heartattack out of the way, my gaze roamed the rest of the room before seeing a stempack and a note on my nightstand. With a confused look on my face, I reached out and grabbed both the items. The stempack looked like it was full, the green liquid swirling around inside. The note however was what drew more of my attention.

Dear, F/N or Echo, whatever you call yourself now,

Here's a stempack for you, it won't fully heal your wounds, but it should get you to a point where your own body can take over. I'm sure you have questions, but those will have to wait until later. We will speak later.



F/N: "Damn right we're having a talk....

Setting the note down, I looked at the stempack again. With a frown I pulled the blanket aside to expose my damaged thigh. I gritted my teeth and stabbed the pack into it. Letting out a groan I watched as the green liquid went through the stempack and into my leg, what my best guess would be Bacta coursed around the wound and began to do its job, my skin closing around the charred portion, though it wasn't just my thigh as it coursed through my torso and got to work on my shoulder. Taking the stempack out, I set it back onto the nightstand as my door opened.

Looking over, I smiled as I saw Leone peeking her head inside. Though the smile faded as I looked at her expression. Instead of her normal easy going cheerful grin was replaced by a stern look. The aura she gave off wasn't one I thought I would have seen from her.

F/N: "Hey Leone."

Leone: "Good you're up, the Boss wants a word."

F/N: "Alri-

But I didn't finish as she closed the door, the sound of her feet growing faint as she left. Questions started to develop as I waited, slowly pulling a shirt and pants on before the door reopened. Najenda walked in, an air of authority around her as she looked at me.

Najenda: "I want answers."

F/N: "On wha-

Najenda: "Don't play dumb."

She points directly at the IG droid.

Najenda: "What is that thing! Why was it after you! Who really are you! I.....

Through as she looked away from the droid and over to me, her expression changed. I was just looking down. For her, she could clearly see the dismay starting to form on my face as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

F/N: "I...... I only know some of the answers.... but I'm just as lost as you on this."

Najenda sighed as she pushed the droid out of the chair. The sound of it clattering to the ground made me jump a bit, but I settled down just a little. The Boss set the chair at the end of my bed and sat in it backwards. Her metallic arm resting on the headrest as she looked at me.

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