Chapter 8: The hunt

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F/N's perspective

It was a mostly clear night as myself, Tatsumi, and Akame patrolled the streets for any sign of the Slasher, Zank the executioner. We kept walking for a bit as Akame took a look around.

Akame: "We're in charge of this section."

Tatsumi: "The capital's citizens are so scared of the Slasher, they're staying in."

F/N: "I wouldn't bla- ?"

Akame in a quickly motion clasped her hand around my shoulder and dragged me and Tatsumi into a alley.  Her hand clasped over his mouth as she and I glanced around the corner. A squad of Imperial guard's ran by the cross route and disappeared behind the buildings. Removing her hand from his mouth, Tatsumi gasped for a bit of air.

Tatsumi: "What was that for!"

F/N: "Shhhh! Guards."

Tatsumi: "Ooooooh, right."

I flick his forehead lightly for being stupid and followed Akame as she began to walk down the street. Walking for a bit longer in silence, Tatsumi decided to speak.

Tatsumi: "Hey Akame, can I ask you something?"

Akame: "Don't worry. I've brought emergency rations."

F/N: "I don't think that is what he was asking."

I said, my voice changer activating, which seemed to make Tatsumi jump a bit.

Tatsumi: "Never will get used to that, but... even with a scratch, that blade will inflict a mortal wound, right?"

Akame nodded and a memory came to mind when we first met, how she had stabbed Tatsumi's statue instead of his chest, a memory Tatsumi must have remembered too as looked dumbfounded.

Tatsumi: "I'm surprised I survived...

F/N: "Shame you did."

Tatsumi gave me a side eye and a harsh elbow. Akame looked between us before looking at her blade.

Akame: "I've had this blade for a while, but it's become famous as the one slice, certain death enchanted sword."

Tatsumi: "Isn't the job not supposed to get well known? But regardless, that just means you're invincible."

F/N: "I wouldn't say that, every like that always has a drawback."

Akame: "F/N is right, maintaining it is nerve-racking. If you accidentally cut your finger, you die instantly."

Tatsumi: "Oh...

F/N: "..... ya, sounds like it."

Akame: "That and in battle, if you don't directly cut your opponent's skin, the curse won't be executed."

F/N: "Which means going up against foes with full armor is an issue."

Tatsumi: "Ya, but you do have those holes now-

Akame: "We should keep moving."

F/N: "Right."

Tatsumi: "And I'm being ignored."

I let myself smirk a bit as we continued to look around, eventually stopping to get some food..... which I couldn't get cause I was wearing my helmet.

F/N: "Man this sucks...

Tatsumi: "Well, I guess we'll just have to be patient..... I'll be back."

Tatsumi put down the drink he was drinking and started to walk away, though Akame couldn't help herself and comment.

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