Chapter 7: The Executioner

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F/N's perspective

To say it was awkward the next morning would be...... not entirely wrong. That morning's breakfast I helped Akame with breakfast, which was probably the calmest thing to happen. Cause afterwards when I gave out all the food, I was getting a look. Leone watched me like a lion, like she was waiting for me to make a slip up. Everyone else didn't seem to phased other than her. I just sat next to Tatsumi and Akame, seeing as it was probably the safest option.

I ate my food in silence as some small talk went around the table. Though after a little bit, Tatsumi did bump my shoulder a little. Lookin over, I relaxed a little as I saw his small smile.

Tatsumi: "Hey you feeling any better after..... you know."

F/N: "Ya, its healing, slowly but its healing."

Tatsumi nodded as he ate a little bit of his bacon before talking with his mouth full.

Tatsumi: "Sow, How'd it gow with The bosw."

I went to reply before Mine smacked Tatsumi over the head.

Mine: "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Tatsumi glared at her before swallowing. Though it was a pleasant surprise to see Mine flash me a small smile before going back to her meal.

F/N: "Well I can't say much, but I'm not on her bad side."

Tatsumi: "That's good."

We went back to our meals for a little bit before Bulat rose to his feet and put his plate up. He then turned over to face us.

Bulat: "Alright you two, finish up, you're training with me today."

Tatsumi: "You got it bro!"

F/N: "Copy that."

Bulat nodded and left, but I did notice him glance back at me for a moment before he vanished out of view. Finishing up my meal and putting my plate up, I too headed out and headed back to my room.

Though I didn't notice I was being followed until in a quick motion I was pinned to a wall by my shoulders. Pain erupted from my still healing wound as I looked to see Leone was the one pinning me.

F/N: "Leone my sh-

Leone: "Shut up."

She pressed me against the wall more, the pain in my shoulder now enough to make me grit my teeth. With a slight growl I set the back of my left foot against the wall as I used it to help push her off me, my right arm I pushed on her collarbone. She moved back a couple steps as I placed a hand on my wound.

F/N: "What's your fucking deal."

I said in a low tone, Leone just kept her glare as she spoke.

Leone: "Your hiding things from us."

F/N: "Really now? I thought that was part of the job."

Leone: "Don't play dumb with me."

I just scoffed and turned to keep walking, Leone reached out to grab my shoulder again but I caught her wrist with my free hand.

F/N: "If you want the quick answer, go to the boss when she gets back. If you want the long? I treat you to a drink some night. Now leave me be."

I let go of her wrist and walked to my room's door, taking a glance back as I opened the door. She was already gone. With a small sigh, I walked in and changed into my workout clothes, without a shirt on, I let my fingers trail over the scar forming from the blaster bolt before heading down to the training area where Bulat and Tatsumi were waiting.

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