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(Same Day)

(Morning 6:30)

Mina's POV.

Wahhh am I still dreaming?. 

I didn't know that there's a place like this here in Korea

I didn't know that there's a place like this here in Korea

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"Noona!!!" Someone shouted.

I look at his direction but I only saw a kid walking towards me.

"Noona,Don't go there without me."She said and confusedly I pointed myself asking if he's talking to me........and he slowly nod.by that I open my mouth but no words came out.

"and If you want to go in there you might want me with you."

"Why?" I asked in curiosity.

"And I wanted to warn you DON'T. PICK. ANY.FLOWER. around here except if someone handed them."He said slowly pinning each word.

"Why can't I?" I asked of else I'll die from curiosity.

"Because if you pick a flower by yourself or if your stubborn enough to get some the flowers you might encounter some consequences." 


"What kind of consequences?"

"It can change your fate or to the person you're destined with and lastly when someone gave these flowers to you or others.It predicts your future or It'll come true whatever the flower  was given." 

As he said those,made my mouth hang open.....I'm shocked that these flowers are really amazing,but dangerous at the same time.

"So your saying that....there's specific a person who could have those flowers?" I asked out.

"Yes."He answer shortly.

"Who are those specific people?"

"The one's who have Red ribbon on their pinky."

As he said that I lowered my gaze on my pinky.















There's None.

(umasa kayo na meron nuh?HAHAHAHAHA -A.N)

(You expected that there is a ribbon huh?HAHAH -A.N)

" Does that ribbon unexpectedly show up?"

"No. The red ribbon on your pinky shows up when your ready and when your contented with someone you have right now."

'So you'll only get it when the right time comes.' I thought.

"Yes" He said.

"You know that I could hear your thoughts right?" He added.

"EHHH!!!! you can read my mind?"

"Of course this is an open world that only complicated or  confused people with the situation they had. are the only one who could have access here."

"Are these only the flowers can a person receive?"

"No...... Actually There's a lot of different types of flowers."

"What are those?"


• Hyssop Flower - Sacrifice•Daffodil Flower - New Beginning
•Alstroemeria Flower - Long lasting Friendship
•Statice Flower - Succession
•Chamomile Flower - Healing
•Red Roses Classics - Love
•Narcissus Flower - Self Love
•Dahlia Flower - Betrayal and Dishonest
•Chrysanthemum - Death and Mourning
•Red Spider Lily - Death Reincarnation.


"How can you tell what to give?"

"We can see the initials of the flowers on your wrist" 

'What In the world am I?'

"Easthaven the worlds name Moderated by Ancient Greek God Morpheus"

"oh yeah you could hear whatever I'm thinking "I muttered lowly.

"Can you read what might ahead of me?"

"Yes."He answered shortly.

"C-can Y-you R-read mine?" I said stuttering.

"You should the right one and the one that you'll not regret of losing" He said.


A sound Came from his wrist.

"Time to go Back"He said and walked towards me and tap my wrist just then 

everything faded away.






As I woke up from my weirdest dream.......... slowly sitting up finding no one in the room.

"Oh Mitang Your awake go on the kitchen,breakfast ready and don't eat the porridge but if want some asked Nayeon Unnie."Sana said and left without waiting for me to response.

As I approach the kitchen some are in the Living room and some are eating.

"Unnie what Time is it?" I asked.

"Oh it's already 9:16 am "Jeongyeon Unnie said and hand me the Stack of pancakes

"Ohhhhh I slept that long" I said to myself.

"Oh Unnie have you heard the Easthaven?"I asked curiously.


"It's just................."



"By the way,Unnie where's the others?" I asked again.

"They're in the Living room taking care of the Cub" She answered.

"Since she's burning" She added.

"Oh who's Burning?"I asked.


"Chae-CHAEYOUNGIEE!!!""" I Exclaimed.

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