Chapter 4

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Time Skip: Thursday
Kageyama's Pov:

"Boke hurry up I have to get there early."

"Kageyama I think I need more volleyball shorts."

Hinata walked out with tight volleyball shorts on showing his perfect curves. I coughed and looked away.

"D-dumbass do you have anymore."

"The other ones are even shorter."

I walked to my room and grabbed some of my volleyball shorts. I walked back and handed them to Hinata.

"They might be a little big but hurry up."

Hinata closed the door in my face. After a few seconds he walked out with a little blush on his face.

"Yeah t-they're too big."

"Ugh just put a jacket over it hurry up."

"Hey! Don't rush me!"

He closed the door again and came out with a jacket around his waist and his volleyball bag on his shoulder. He ran out the door and I followed behind him.

"Kageyama I can't wait to play volleyball again, to be able to see the court again."

"Right that's if coach let's you play you might just have to be the watering boy."

"Don't jinx it Bakayamaaa!"

We got to my training gym, I put my bag down and someone walked up to me.

"Umm Captain who's that." Said one of my teammate Dosei.

"Captain?" Hinata said confused, I nodded at him. His face glowed up.
I looked back at Dosei(The vice captain) and he was staring at Hinata.

"Kageyama you're the captain dang it you passed me." I smirked at Hinata.

"I told you."

"Umm Kageyama who is that for real."

"Oh sorry this is my friend from High-school he couldn't play volleyball after college so I'm letting him practice with us."

"Oh really... hmmmm good luck with coach." Dosei patted me on the shoulder and gave me a smirked as he walked away.  I looked at him with a confused face.
I set up the net while Hinata looked around. I kept checking on Hinata to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Suddenly Dosei walked up to me.

"Y'know cap that guy kinda looks like the description of your crush back in high-school."

"Brown eyes, orange hair, short and energetic huh fits the description perfectly... did you bring your boyfriend to practice."

"He's not my boyfriend he's just hasn't played volleyball since college so I decided to let him practice with us."

"Whatever you say cap ahhh I hear Shiba now better get ready."

I blushed a bit not noticing I was staring at Hinata until the door flung open. I looked back a Shiba.

"Wassup Cap, wassup Vice cap, wassup wait who the hell are you."

"Hi I'm Hinata Shoyo."

"Wait your Karasuno's number 10 I remember watching you at nationals damnn yo cap why didn't you didn't tell us you were bringing him."

"Sorry good afternoon Shiba."

"Well Shoyo since cap didn't tell you I'm Shiba Kamin, the vice right there is Dosei Latin he can speak Spanish. Then there is the Remi twins they look identical but Akari has brown hair and Oriza has black hair."

"Woah they're kinda like the Miya twins right Kageyama."

" I guess but they're both blockers so."

"Cap let them get here first." Said Dosei.

"Anyways there is Wamu Chiyori, the rest are all background characters ha ha speaking of where is everyone."

"You act like a ninõ. (child)

"You always say that and I still don't know what you mean Dosei."

"They'll arrive in a bi-.

The gym door opened I looked backam and I saw my coach. I hesitantly walked up to him and gave him a silent greeting."

"Coach I would like my friend to practice with us from now own." I pointed at Hinata and my coach walked over to him.

"I've seen him at nationals... tell me what's your second gender kid."

I swallowed and stared at Hinata. He had looked if he had just saw a murder. His eyes glossing over from his tears.

"I-i'm an omega."

"Fine you can practice with us but one slip up your gone no matter how much Tobio begs me you got it."

"Ahh Yes sir thank you sir."

I sighed and felt a sharp glare at me. The whole team was looking at me especially the coach. Dosei walked up to me.

"I hope you know what your doing Kags." Said Dosei

"Yes I do I won't let that happen."

"What happen??" Asked Hinata

"Well we let an omega on our team and he went into heat in the middle of practice so we've been pretty conscious about letting omegas on the team." Said Dosei.

"Okay but finally another omega well Sho were gonna be great friends I can tell."

The gym doors opened and the rest of the team walked in. We introduced everyone to everybody then started stretching.

It was just like in high-school, it felt more natural practicing with Hinata again. The coach saw me and Hinata in a closer more up close.

"Wow shrimp cap never set to me like that your pretty special."

I saw Hinata smile again, I just looked away. After the practice the twins walked up to us walking home.

"Hi." Said Akari

"Hey cap is your little boyfriend gonna be joining the team or what?" Said Oriza.

"He's not my boyfriend and that's up to coach I'm just letting him come to our practices."

I glance over to Hinata who had a slight blush on his face looking up at the twin.
I sighed and waved at the twins and began to walk back.

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