Chapter 12

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Time skip:The next day
Hinata's Pov:

I woke up early and hurried and put on clothes. I ran all the way to the hospital. Once I got to Kageyama's room he was awake drinking a box of milk.

"Kageyama?!?! Your okay!"

"Hm Hinata finally I was waiting for you."

"Baka Kageyama baka."

I hugged onto him, crying in his chest. I made sure it wasn't the side that was hurt I was hugging before squeezing him tighter.

"It was a pocket knife why are you so worried?"

"I don't know maybe cause you still got stabbed."

I heard Kageyama sighed, he grunted a few times before he started letting out his purr. It calmed me down and I stopped crying.

He was scratching my hair. I looked up at him and smiled. He blushed and looked away. I blushed and gave him a kiss on the lips.

His eyes widend as our lips connected. I closed my eyes and lifted myself up a little. I pulled away and smiled at Kageyama. He covered his blush and stopped purring.

"S-sorry I worried you."

"I'm just glad your okay."

"Well I already got some stitches they're just checking if anything else is wrong."

"I feel so bad this had nothing to do with you."

"No don't feel sorry your my boyfriend I couldn't let him hurt you."

"Hey Kageyama you were right."

"About what?"

"Me, being more possessive than you."

I played with me fingers and smiled at him. He grabbed my chin and gave me another kiss. He pulled away and I blushed.

"Are you still able to play volleyball?"

"In a week maybe."

"What am I suppose to do."

"Since your on the team now your suppose to join the practices I'll come just not play."

"But don't we have a game coming up?"

"Yea but I'll be alright."

The doctor came in and told us Kageyama was free to leave. He got dressed on his own. We walked home and he took a shower. I started to cook some Ramen. When he came out the bathroom he grabbed a bowl of Ramen and sat on the couch.

"Kageyama what should we watch hmmmmm?"

"Gimme the remote."

He put on baking show and we watched it. He passed it and took the dishes to wash them in the sink.

"Hey you should be sitting down."

"Its alright I'm just washing dishes."

"Well hurry up I think Alice is gonna lose."

"I'll hurry to show you that Kelly is gonna lose not Alice."

Kageyama hurried and cleaned the dishes and sat beside me. My eyes widend as I look at the T.V screen.

"Whaaaa not Brandon he had the best cake!!"

"That's bull."

"No cursing."

After a while, I laid against Kageyama's chest. I started to fall asleep. Kageyama laid down on the couch and aloud me to lay on top of his chest.

The Next Day:
Kageyama's Pov:

I woke up Hinata. He sat up, sitting between his legs. I laughed at him.


"Are you still going through puberty boke!?"

"No what are you talking about."

I pointed at his morning erection and he looked down and blushed. He covered it with his hands.

"Stop looking!!"

He jumped off of me and ran into the bathroom. I heard the shower start to run. I turned the T.V off and went into my room. I looked at the time and took out my volleyball clothes.

Hinata came out the bathroom and came in my room only in a towel. I blushed and looked away from him.

"Hey Kageyama I'm going to wash clothes okay."

"I don't have a washer or a dryer."

"At my house duh just put all your dirty clothes by the door."

He left and closed my door, completely unfazed from the fact he just walked into my room fairly naked. I sighed and grabbed my dirty clothes and put them by the front door.

I grabbed a milk from the kitchen and Hinata came up behind me. He grabbed my basket and dragged his.

"Wait I'll walk with you."

"Kageyama you should stay here your stitches might come out."

"What if something happens?"

"Nothing will happen."

"Fine but come here."

I claimed his smell again. He smiled and walked out and I laid down. I checked my phone every 5 minutes.

When he got back it was almost time for volleyball practice. He handed me my clothes and I thanked him.

"Hurry and get ready for practice."

"Wait what I lost track of time."

He ran to his room and got changed. I changed into a hoodie and his water bottle. He ran out the door and grabbed him.

"I said get ready we aren't late."

"Oh ha ha. Kageyama do you like how the uniform looks on me."

"Yeah you look nice."

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