Chapter 6

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Time Skip: Next Week
Hinata's Pov:

Me and Kageyama decided that I should stay a bit longer in case ??? popped up suddenly. I was in the car when I started to feel light-headed. I clutched onto my bag tight. I looked at Kageyama and started blushing.

My heat!!! I just started my heat!!! Right beside Kageyama the alpha. This one hurts even more than last time. I winced in pain a bit. Kageyama didn't notice anything until I took off my seat belt and shirt.

Kageyama's eyes widend as he sniffed the air. He put both hands on the steering wheel and tried to ignore me.
I could tell my smell was strong since it hurt so bad and the grunts he made. I hid my head into my shirt and tried to muffle my low breaths and small moans.

Once we got to the house Kageyama opened my door and dragged me out caring me and my bags. He went inside and threw me on my bed. He then threw me my supplements.

"K-kageyama- could you go to the store and buy c-condoms."

He blushed and nodded his head. I clutched onto the bed not wanting to touch myself until Kageyama came back.

After 10 minutes he came back and threw them on my bed and slammed the door. I heard the front door slammed not king afterwards.

"Oh he really was gonna leave."

I put the condom on and stared to pump my length with a good pace. I let loud moans since nobody was in the house with me. After I came I took a two supplements and fell asleep.

Time Skip: An hour after Hinata fell asleep.

Kageyama's Pov:
I walked into the house again smelling Hinata's life ruining smell all over the house. It must've leaked from other the damn door.

His smell was so much stronger than Atsumu's (the omega I was roommates with in college). I opened a window and tried to air out the deadly pleasuring smell.

After a while I noticed how quiet it was. I made the dumb decision to open Hinata's door. His scent went blasting at me. I covered my nose walking over to Hinata. He was sleep with only his boxers on. I stopped myself from touching and ran into my room.

Luckily my room didn't have Hinata's smell in it so I decided to just read and look at my phone.

Hinata's Pov:

I suddenly woke up out of nowhere. I looked at the time, it was 5:23. I got up and put on some pants. My headache was barely gone but I knew it was gonna be back. I knocked on Kageyama's door.

"Come in."

"H-hi Kageyama."


"I'm sorry I forgot my heat was coming this week."

"Its fine"

I looked confused at Kageyama. Did I hear that right? Did he just say that it was alright? I blinked at him and walked more in the room.

"Well thanks you didn't do anything to me while I was sleep right."

"No I didn't if you're hungry I can go pick up so sushi just tell me when."

I smiled at him and went back to my room. I cleaned put the condom box in my nightstand and laid down on the bed.

'How was Kageyama not fazed by my smell?"

'It was like he was immune to it.'

'Well he did have omega roommates before.'

I walked back to Kageyama's room and sat on his bed. He was on his phone, he gave me a sharpe look.

"What do you want?"

"Can I still go to practice tomorrow?"

"No so don't try to."

"Awwwww but I took two supplements."

"I don't care, still no"

"Your so mean Kageyamaaaa."

"Not mean, cautious."

"Well what am I gonna do."

"I don't know make a smoothe or something  I don't care just don't do anything stupid."

"What do you mean by anything stupid huh?"

"Don't break shit."

"Don't say that like I'm a child and no cursing!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever is that all you needed?"

"No I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Say it I don't got all night boke."

"I forgot hah hah but I'm boreddddd."

Kageyama sat up and stared at me. He closed his eyes and let off a really comforting smell. Since I was in heat it was easy for the smell to get to me.

"T-that's not fair."

"You need sleep."

"But I-"

I fell asleep on Kageyama's lap. He laid back and got back on his phone. After a while he fell asleep cuddling me.

When I woke up I didn't feel Kageyama beside me, instead I felt a aching headache. I let out a loud moan. I blushed remembering I was in Kageyama's bed and he was probably home.

I got on and stumbled in my room. I closed the door and  I smelled Kageyama's smell all over my room.
I felt my heat get worse.


"Your heat came back stay in a room and if you smell gets out I'll smack you!!!"

"W-why were you in my room i-it made in worse!"

"Oh sorry!"


I let off a soft moan and fell to floor. I started crying and Kageyama came into the room. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. He grunted a bit and threw my supplements.

He put his jacket by the door and left the house. I felt like I couldn't even move, I just took a supplement and tried to go to sleep.

By the time Kageyama came back it was 9:00 p.m. My heat still wasn't gone so I just clutched to the bed.

"Hey Hinata I brought some food are you hungry."

"H-help me Kageyama."

"Are you still hurting why didn't you fix it."

"It hurts to much."

Kageyama walked into the room with a drink of water. He sat me up and gave me two supplements. He released the comforting smell and made me fall asleep. He kept coughing until he left.

Time Skip: The Next Day
I woke up, I walked outside my room and saw Kageyama sleeping on the couch. I woke him up.

"Oh goodmorning Hinata are you okay."

"I feel better thank you."

"Okay why did wake me up."

"You said you had food."

Kageyama got up and went to the fridge. He opened it and gave me some left over Hibachi. I smiled and thanked him.

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