Chapter 19

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Time Skip: 2 weeks later
Kageyama's Pov:

"Kageyama can we babysit Suga-san's kids?"

"Huh?? Where did this come from?"

"Suga-san's in heat and their kids are tired of going over to their grandparents house sooo..."

"Alright fine."

"Haha that's good cause I need to go pick them up, hurry hurry."

I sighed and put on shoes. We drove to Daichi's and Suga's house. Hinata checked his phone, about ten times in that one car ride. When we got there Suga and Daichi answered the door.

I gave Suga and Daichi a hug. Daichi smiled and handed me a packet. I quickly frowned, and sighed looking at the packet. Daichi called for Haru and Yuna and the ran up to me and Hinata. Suga pulled Hinata away from the crowd and whisper in his ear.

When he walked back to me he was blushing. He took the packet away from me and hesitantly smiled. We walked to my car and I assembled the car seats together. Hinata buckled them up and he got in the car starting to read the small packet that was full of rules.

When we got home Haru looked around and went inside Hinata's old room. While in there he went inside the closet. I saw the nest that Hinata had made and he blushed.

"When did you make a nest in the closet?"

"When I first moved here I made it to ride out my heats, but I guess its useless now."

I blushed and we both looked at the children sitting in his nest. I bit my lip, he got in there with them. Haru started writing something. Yuna kicked her legs and started humming.

'My momy (mommy) has one theese (these) at hom. (home)'

"Do you like it?"

Haru nodded his eyes and pointed at Yuna. Yuna looked up at me and got out the nest.

"Tobi !! I wanna get on your baaaaack."

I picked up Yuna and placed her on my shoulders. Yuna started to punch her fist out and pretend she was playing some type of fighting game. Haru walked behind us and tugged into my shirt.

'i ned (need) to yuse (usel) the poty (potty)

Hinata grabbed Yuna and Haru and went into the bathroom. I turned on a kid friendly show and made sure everything was clean.

When they came out Yuna was dancing to Hinata whistling. Haru was smelling around until he saw the T.V. He ran towards the T.V and started to watch it. Hinata grabbed the packet once again, then started to read it some more.
He then started cooking dinner.

Yuna started playing with toys in her bag, after their lunch was ready Hinata made up the table and placed smiley faced potatos with chicken nuggets on the side. I came up behind him and slapped his ass before getting a box of milk and sitting down beside Haru.

I looked back and he was blushing and staring at me. Yuna stopped playing with her dolls, crying. I put my milk down and picked her up.

"What's wrong?"

"The doll won't go in her clothes."

"Here let me see."

I grabbed her doll and put the dress on it. I handed it back to her and she sat on my lap playing with it. Then she stopped crying.

"Okay time for lunch are yall hungry?"

Haru looked up at me and poked my knee. Yuna ran to the table and Hinata helped her eat. Haru looked at the T.V and kept poking my knee.

"What's wrong with me knee?"

He grabbed his book and started writing, I moved my leg at little while he was writing.

'Ne? (Knee) Is that wat it is.'

"Oh yeah that's my knee you have a knee to right here and here."

I said tapping his knee on both legs. He looked at the with awe and I picked him up and sat at the table. Hinata looked at me then blushed and gave Haru his food.

I got my milk and got some leftovers. Hinata made himself a salad and stayed quiet. He was on his phone and I put the phone down and I looked in his eyes.

"Is something wrong Kageyama?"

"What are you looking at love?"

"Oh I'm texting Kenma were thinking about meeting up soon."

Hinata stopped and looked at me. He blushed and went back on his phone. Yuna's place was almost gone while Haru plate was all over his face and the table. Yuna pushed the plate off the table and just watched it fall. Me and Hinata jumped up as we looked at the broken plate. We looked back her and she was smiling, kicking her feet, and singing SpongeBob Square pants.

I got up and threw the glass shards in the trash. I took Yuna away from table and I smelled her diaper. Hinata took Haru from the table and took both of them to the bathroom.

I cleaned up the trash on the table when I heard screaming and yelling. I heard the door move and walked towards it. Then I heard splashes and laughter I turned off the T.V and finished cleaning before going into my room and clicking through my Instagram. The bathroom door opened and Hinata came inside my room in a towel.

"Yuna wouldn't take a bath unless I took one with them then she kept splashing water could you change them then clean the bathroom."


I closed the door and gave Hinata a passionate kiss before leaving the room. I looked at the hallway seeing two naked children one sitting criss cross playing with his knees and the other one dancing to nothing. I sighed and picked them both up. I went inside their bags and put diapers on them and put them in some clothes.

Haru sat in the nest in the closet and started coloring in a coloring book. Yuna stood staring at me. She took her clothes off and started running. I chased her around the house and she just laughed.

"Come here put on your clothes."

"Nuh nuh"

Hinata opened the door and tapped on his scent glance and closed the door again. I realized what he said and gave off a smell that meant dominance. She walked up to me and raised her arms. I put her clothes back on and stared at her.

"If you take your clothes off again you'll have to take a bath without Shoyo."

"Nu I like Shoyo. I sowwy (sorry)."

"Its okay come on."

I walked her to the room she was staying in and played some kid-friendly music on my phone. Hinata came to the room and sat on the bed. Yuna started dancing, and Hinata laughed. About 10 minutes later me and Hinata put them both on the bed and quietly left so we wouldn't wake them.

"Woah Kageyama we make such good parents."

"Damn brat broke my plate and I have to clean the bathroom."

"No don't say that plus I already fixed it."

"Who the hell breaks a plate and just does nothing like everything is normal."

"She's a child with adha she's gonna do something you don't like."

I sighed and gave Hinata kiss before he fell asleep in my arms.

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