Chapter 9

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Time skip: 1 hour
Hinata's Pov:
Kageyama and I were putting away the last few bags. Once we were finished he grabbed my hands. We were both blushing insanely.

"Its getting late maybe you should get some sleep."

"Can we cuddled asleep like yesterday?"

"Shut up boke that was different."

"So we can't?"

He sighed and pushed me in my room. I heard his bedroom door close and I scoffed. I then got changed and laid in my bed staring at my phone screen.

I heard a loud knock on the door. I quickly got up and opened the door for Kageyama.

"Are you ready to cuddle or whatever?"

"Yay Kageyama you changed your mind."

He rolled his eyes then I pulled him inside. I laid on my bed and patted the space beside me. He laid down hesitantly putting his arms around my waist.

"Kageyama have you had a girlfriend or a boyfriend before?"

"Technically no?"

"I'm your first boyfriend!"

He hummed and I laughed at him. I kept talking about random stuff. I stopped talking when I heard a deep small purr coming from Kageyama. It was so relaxing.

"K-kageyama you purr."

"Is that a problem?"

"Noo I just didn't guess you would purr."

"Should I stop?"

"No no no no no no no."

Time Skip: Two days later
Kageyama's Pov:

"Kageyamaaaa give it backkk."

"No its sounds annoying."

"I need to clip my nailsss."

"Why are you clipping so much you don't have 28 toes boke."

"To make sure they're flat gimme."

He jumped up on my back and grabbed the nail clippers from my hand. Then he went back to clipping his nails. I grabbed them from him and hurried to clip his ugly toe nails.


"Whaaa hmph."

"Now no more clipping I'm trying to read."

"You've been reading that same book ever since I got here."

"Yeah I know how do you think I learned how to purr boke."

"Hah hah you have to learn to purr I can do it naturally."

"I haven't heard it before."


He let's out a loud, calm purr. Way more soothing than I could do. He stops purring and sticks his tongue I out at me.

"Whatever plus that book is very informative."

"Okay give me a fact then bakayama if its not interesting you owe me."

"Hm there are more alphas in the hospital for touching an omega's nest than omega's in the hospital for giving birth."

"Wait really?!"

"Yes essentially omegas are more possessive than alphas surprisingly."

"Okay thats a cool fact."

"Told you now leave me alone."

"But Kageyama I'm going to be bored again."

"You have a phone and there is a T.V right here in the living room."

"Can we go practice volleyball practice on our own?"

"But my book."

"Please Kageyama pleeeeeassee."

"Fine fine just shut up boke."

I put on my tank top and grabbed my volleyball. Hinata walked behind me holding another volleyball. Before I walked out I grabbed him and I claimed his scent again.

"Are you sure I'm essentially more possessive than you, we've been dating for 2 days and you've claimed my scent over 5 times."

"Yes I'm sure, plus I don't have my mark on you so other alphas may try to take you."

I locked the door behind me and we walked to the park. Once we got to the park we did a bunch of quick attacks. I smelt another alpha approach us. I held Hinata onto me.

"Kageyamaaa what are you doing."

"Hello Shoyo."


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