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"Hold on a bit longer, Blair!" I whispered in her ear as I ran , with shifter speed, to a cellar that had been built for shifters. Most didn't use it but the me and Sophia had suggested that Blair go there for her first 'change'.

She clung onto me, her arms tightening round my neck as she placed her head in my chest.

"Lucas-" She began before the grimacing in pain. She screamed and clutched tighter onto me.

I wanted to do anything to ease the pain. The screams were doing a number on me and it took all my self restraint to not stop and to keep going.

"Come on, Blair. Push through. Please." I begged. She cried as her screams grew louder. I nearly sighed in relief as we reached the cellar.

"You need to strip, when you're down there!" Sophia shouted. Blair nodded, her screams dying down.

I reached the bottom and headed straight for the chains. The room had iron bars as a wall with an iron door. The shackles were to stop the shifter from hurting anyone and the vats were added protection for those outside.

I put Blair down in the room and Sophia ran in with her.

She pulled her sundress and sandals off, left in her bra and pants. Sophia grabbed them and ran to the other side of the iron bar wall.

Me and Ben were putting the cuffs around my wrists and ankles. It killed me to do it but I knew that Blair would kill me if I didn't do it.

Ben ran out, leaving me.

"Go." She said, my voice raspy. I shook my head, determined.

"I'm staying." I told her. She shook my head, her hair clinging to my tears.

I couldn't bear leaving her. It didn't seem right. Me and my wolf agreed on that.

"You need to go before-" She whispered before she started screaming. I lunges forward. The scream was heart wrenching and it brought tears to my eyes.

Jacob and Ben grabbed me and dragged me onto the safe side of the bats before locking the doors. Blair screamed, blacking out as the animal took over.

She kept screaming. Her eyes turned an orangey-yellow, making me frown. Wolf eyes were just yellow. Blair started bleeding and rapidly, white fur covered her body. Her legs and arms shortened, claws coming out. She tipped back her head as it become wider and longer.

The white wolf growled at us. It was impossible. Our wolf had the same coloured fur as our hair. Blair's wolf should have been ebony.

She growled at the shackles and, much to the our dismay, broke free of them and growled.

"Oh my god!" Sophia shouted. She looked scared of the wolf.

"Jesus. Are you there, Blair?" Jacob asked. The wolf flashed Blair's sea green green eyes before turning back to orangey-yellow.

She eyed me, recognising me as the alpha ,and walked up to me. I wasn't afraid of her and I crouched down to pet her. She let me but pulled back a second later, though. She was probably hungry.

The wolf walked up to the iron door and pushed the door with her head. It opened, thanks to the added shifter strength. We gasped but the lioness wasted no time. She ran outside into the woods.

We followed and stilled as she saw a little fox. We all knew that Fox, Sophia more than anyone.

Blair's wolf ran.

The fox looked at the wolf just before the wolf ripped the fox's throat out. The wolf munched, not noticing the fox's grey eyes.

"Aisha!" Sophia screamed. The wolf stood over the fox as she approached. Sophia stared at the lioness.

I wanted to grab Sophia back. Blair's wolf was unpredictable at best.

"Move, Blair!" She shouted. Blair's wolf ignored her and carried on eating." You have to stop her! She can't be.....she..." Sophia cried as Ben went over to her. He held Sophia in his arms as she cried. She put her head in his chest as he calmed her.

Jacob tried.

"Blair. Let her go." Jacob said. The wolf ignored him though.

As an alpha, she should listen to me.

"Blair." I said, soothingly. The wolf looked at me." Baby, come here. We'll get you something else to eat. We'll change you back, okay? You can go to bed." I said. The wolf liked the sound of that because she came over to me.

"Just imagine yourself changing," I told her.

Blair screamed, changing back.

She panted, Sophia handing her her clothes. She put my bra and pants on before noticing everyone's expressions.

She slipped her sundress and sandals on before asking any questions.

"Why was I a white wolf?" She asked us. We looked at each other uneasily.

Oh god, She said to myself.

Blair?, I asked.

Why was she is my mind?

"Yeah?" She asked me. My eyes widened.

"I said that in my mind, Blair. At least, we know your 'superpower'." I said. I actually smiled at the word 'superpower'.

"Telepathy." She guessed. I nodded.

Damn, She swore.

Yeah. This isn't comfortable for me either. Can you read my thoughts? I asked.

Oh my god!, She shouted. I covered my ears.

I don't know why I did that. You did it in my head . Anyway, what is it? I asked.

I can see colours. Red, gold and blue- your emotions. That's all. She told me.

Ok. Do you know what the colours mean? I asked her. She shook her head.

"Good. Well-" I said as she stood. She fell and I caught her before she hit the ground.

"I'll take her back," I said, heading towards the school. No one protested.

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