"Bella." I whispered.
The girl's black hair flowed down her back like a waterfall but one tendril hung in-front of her right eye and I wanted to tuck it behind her ear. I wanted to ,but the pain in her emerald green eyes and the ragged, shiny pink scar stopped me. The girl caught me looking at her scar and grabbed her hair and draped it over her shoulder, covering the scar.
"Excuse me!?" She shouted, outraged. Her small nose was scrunched up and she looked really quite cute....but that's beside the point. I wanted to know what the hell she was doing here.
I frowned, cocking my head to the side like a dog.
I was confused. Why was she confused? Did she not know that I knew her name? I know that her sister died so she was probably emotionally unstable. I knew I had been.
"You're Bella. You-" I started before she stopped me. She put her hands up, silencing me.
They were small hands for a 17 year-old woman. From the top of her index finger to the base of her hand, it was probably 15cm. I wanted to take them into my big, calloused hands.
"No. I'm Blair. Bella's dead." She screamed at me. She shoved past me, fire igniting in her fiery eyes. She looked so cute but a bit insane. Jacob and Ben tried to calm her down but she pushed them away. I think they moved more out of surprise than her physical strength. As rugby players it was basically impossible to push us over.
I took a sharp intake of breath. Wrong girl. I'd just called the girl who had lost her twin 2 months ago, the name of her dead sister. If she wasn't reacting like this, I really would have thought that she wasn't sane.
She started pacing and turning. The grand hall was quite big so it took her 3 minutes to reach one end from the other.
There were four corridors from the grand hall. The right corridor ,on the ground floor, lead to the ballroom, kitchen and dinning room. The left corridor ,on the ground floor, lead to the classrooms. The left corridor ,on the left of the top of the grand staircase, led to the boys' dormitories. There were other staircases on the corridor. The right corridor, on the left of the top of the grand staircase, led to the girl's' dormitories. On both boys and girls' dormitories, there 4 floors with two years on each.
I sighed and turned round to where Blair was pacing. Jacob and Ben were completely silent.
"I'm sorry. You just look so much like the pictures that your uncle keeps in his office." I told her.
She looked at me, the fire in her eyes burning brighter. Her lips were set in a scowl. I couldn't help but notice that she had 'Goldilocks' lips. My mother had been vain and had always gone on about types of lips.
She came over to me. I wanted to move away but I couldn't. I wouldn't.
She reached the spot in front of me and I ducked as I heard her fist connected with the wall. I lifted my droid back up and turned round to see a hole with blood smeared around in the wall. The result of her anger and if I hadn't ducked, my face.
"Stop talking about her." She croaked out, sinking into the armchair. She looked so tiny I that chair. I guessed that she was a runner or a dancer.
Tears glistened in her eyes but she didn't let them fall.
Jacob and Ben came over to us.
"It's alright," Jacob coaxed. She nodded, staring over his shoulder.
"Blair?" Nurse Axton asked, confused. She stood at the top of the staircase with Ronan.
I looked at Ronan, causing him to flinch.
"You can go now," Ronan said, coldly. I wanted to stay but I knew it wasn't right. I nodded at Ben and Jacob and we walked up the stairs, past Nurse Axton and Ronan, before going up the right stairs where the grand staircase split into little staircases leading to the corridors.
We turned left at the first door on the year 7 & 8 dormitories floor. We climbed the 4 flights of wooden stairs in silence. Year 13's had the highest floor to themselves. Girls and boys on the right and left wings. They would always keep us separated.
At the top of the stairs, we turned right and walked to our dorm room.
Due to my father's position, me, Ben and Jacob were able to share a dorm. We couldn't trust anybody else.
We entered and I made a beeline for my bed. Jacob whistled.
"Damn. You sure know how to rile a girl up," he said, sitting on his bed. Our beds were in corners. The last corner was where the door to the bathroom was.
"I thought she was Bella, ya know? All the pictures in Headmaster Axton's office are of a young girl with wavy ebony hair and emerald eyes. Blair looks happier than the girl in the pictures." I said, my head in my hands.
"I get what you mean. She looked so much like Bella. I didn't know that Headmaster Axton had 2 nieces. Well, not twins. I thought they were older and younger sisters but Blair was identical to Bella." Ben said. I sighed.
This reminded me of my sisters' deaths. I had been the exact same. Angry, sad, scared. The whole wounded animal thing.
"This whole situation reminds me of Rhea and Maeve.I had to be pulled out of school, remember?" I asked my friends. The nodded, their normally smiley faces, somber.
"We all did," Jacob reminded us, quietly. I sighed, running a hand down my face.
"We have to help her," I whispered. I lifted my head and my best friends nodded their heads.
"We do. We're the only ones who really can." Jacob said.
"Then it's decided. We'll help Blair Axton through the healing period but then we leave her life. We can't spread anymore poison." I told them. They nodded and we all sighed, staring at each of our individual wardrobes.

FantasíaAfter the loss of her twin and mother, Blair Axton moves to her Uncle's school in a remote Scottish island. Just when things start looking up, Blair finds out a secret that could change her oh life forever. Lucas North is a broken and emotionless. A...