Chapter 27: 2 days after the Mikey incident

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Today was Mikey's funeral and the entire time Marcus was giving me dirty looks. I was filled with so much rage. Just extremely burning rage. I stomped into what was formerly our shared room glancing at Mikey's serpent jacket sitting on the back of the chair at his little desk where he would do his homework. I tossed off my jacket before pulling on Mikey's deciding from now on I'd be wearing his. I grabbed the keys to his bike which I guess is mine now before grabbing my helmet before storming out the trailer ignoring Marcus yelling at me to get back in the house. I climbed on my bike before speeding to the house of the dead with Sweets and Tall boy behind me yelling at me to stop. I slammed to a stop yanking off my helmet and stomping my way inside the ghoulie hideout not aware that Fp had joined the other two in trying to stop me. I stormed directly up to Malachi socking him in the face causing a sickening crack to fill the now quiet room. Two ghoulies were about to tackle me but Malachi held up his hand telling them to stop. I drew back trying to punch him again but this time he caught my fist. "Let go of the girl Malachi." I heard from behind me. I turned around groaning when I saw Fp knowing he was gonna give me an ear full when we get out of here. Malachi rolled his eyes pushing me to Fp who caught me by my arms giving me look saying we will talk later before we all made our way out of the building. "What the hell were you thinking?! Are you trying to end up like your brother who we just buried today?!" Fp growled lightly before making his own way to his bike. I rolled my eyes pulling on my helmet before climbing onto my own bike. They don't understand how angry I am at the ghoulies. They took away one of the only good things I had left in my life and they were going to pay. I was filled with so much anger in the time I completely forgot about the other people I had in my life that care about me. I forgot about the ones who loved me still and in my bloodlust filled rage I put the other person who was most important to me in danger and almost go him killed as well. 

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