Chapter 5

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We got back to the Southside and went to the wyth and wrym only to find some dirty ass ghoulies trying to fight Some serpents. "Hey!" I yelled shoving one of them back. Sweet pea walked over shoving me behind him to keep me getting hurt. "I'm fine pea." I argued as he and Fangs stood in front of me. "You guys are two damn protective." I said grabbing the ghoulie by her hair pulling her back. "What the hell do you think your doing in serpent territory?" I asked angrily. "Whatever bitch." I said after she said nothing And dragged her by her hair while Pea grabbed the other guy and quit literally threw them out as Fp walked in. "Scram." Fp told them standing in front of Pea and I. "Where's your kid Fp?" I asked hopping onto the counter. "Don't worry about him Scar go get some rest it's getting late." He told me as Pea carefully lifted me up. I groaned but didn't fight pea and fell asleep on his couch.

I woke up the next morning stepping over a passed out Fangs on the floor and went to my own trailer next door to change.

I pulled on my serpent jacket like I did every morning before making my way to the wyrm to find a certain red head and lodge

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I pulled on my serpent jacket like I did every morning before making my way to the wyrm to find a certain red head and lodge. "Woah woah what this northsider doing here." I said trying to go up to him only to be stop by Jughead. "Stand down Scar." He said to me. "Sure I'll be calm when you bring some northside asshole who pointed a gun in mine and my boyfriends face in here." I said sarcastically. "And his bitch." I added. "What is your problem?" She asked. "Look I take back the bitch part but I'm not forgiving you bulldogs as quick as the others did. You only shut down the circle after I got shot." I said shoving past them. "Scar." Fp warned. "You better get them out before Pea wakes up and come here." I said walking behind the bar handing Veronica a water and shoulder checking Archie on my way out to be greeted by pea right outside the door. "Don't go in there." I said grabbing his hand pulling him away and toward his bike as he climbed on and I got on behind him. "Wanna go to pops?" He asked. I nodded slowly as he started the bike a little scared to go back as I watched Archie and Veronica come out with Jughead getting in a truck.  "You okay princess?" he asked. "Yea pea im fine." i responded before he nodded starting the bike up again and speeding off to Pops. As we got their i groaned lightly after seeing the truck Jughead and his friends had gotten into earlier. "Come on baby lets go in." Pea said as he climbed off the bike grabbing my hand. I smiled seeing Fangs and Toni as they jogged up to Pea and I to walk in with us. "Children." i laughed as pea let go of my hand holding the door open for all of us before coming in last wrapping his arm around my waist as i looked to the left side seeing a bunch of bulldogs and jones. We turned going to the right side of the diner away from the bulldogs and the booth Pea and i sat in when i was attacked. Jughead noticed us before getting up and walking away from his friends to join us. "You alright scar?" he asked me as we all slid into a big circle booth. "Yea im okay." i said. I groaned as Archie made his way towards us making Pea tense up beside me. "Look i just wanted to apologise." he said looking between Pea and I. "Ill think about forgiving you Andrews." I said calmly. "Come on Scar." Toni said. I sighed sticking my hand out toward Andrews making him lift an eyebrow. "Your forgiven." I said. He smiled shaking my hand before nodding. "Doesn't make us friends though im still not that fond of northsiders." I said making him nod again before walking away. "Betty needs our help." Jughead said making us nodd as i texted a couple more serpents telling them to meet us there. Once we got there we stood just outside the door waiting for a signal as Betty talked to the people inside. Frowning as Betty told the guy not to attack her brother with a box cutter. Listening as Alice told them to go. Sweet pea gently squeezed my hand as we got a little closer to the door Jughead and I in the lead since we were pratically the leaders rn. Jughead growled lowly as the woman said she could get use to the cooper house. "Not yet." i whispered to him. He tensed again as he heard the them say they think the three of them could take them. "Ready?" jughead asked as all of us nodded. The guy threatened to cut out Bettys eyes and thats when jughead decided he had enough and kicked the door open. Sweet pea and i along with a ton of other serpents following closely behind. I watched as Alice looked shocked while betty smirked. We all pulled out our blades as i tried not to roll my eyes at betty as she asked if they think they could take all of us. "Try us bitch." Jughead and i said smirking. I rolled my eyes as the woman threatened to go to the sherrif. I stood silent beside Jones and Sweet pea behind me as all of us just held our blades in view. "I suggest you leave." I added as Betty smiled at me. The woman picked up the money and left as Alice sighed in relief  as all of us serpents turned and and went out the back door. Sweet pea let go of my hand as we got the bikes climbing on before i got on behind him holding on tight. We got to the wyrm as i saw fangs standing in front of my bike with Fp meaning somehow they got it back from the ghoulies. I ran to my Fp hugging hims and Fangs before smiling climbing onto my bike as Pea chuckled going inside. Toni wanna go for a ride?" i yelled to her. "Sure." She laughed climbing on behind me holding on as I sped off driving onto road going about 3 blocks before going back to find Jonea back but along with Betty. I stopped the bike letting Toni off after pulling up in front of them. "Betty?" i asked smirking and before jughead could say anything she grabbed the helmet from Toni and got on the back securing the helmet on her head. "Ill take her for a ride then home. You having a meeting with your dad and Pea." i told jughead making him nod As i started the bike back up as Betty gripped me before speeding off toward the north side taking the long way so i could enjoy my bike and i guess give betty a decent ride. "Hold on a little tighter." i told her. After i felt her grip tighten i sped up a little more pulling wheelie before landing perfectly and continuing to go fast. "you arent scared are you?" I asked her. "No." she yelled back laughing as we finally got to her neighborhood. I snorted seeing Andrews and Lodge outside as i stopped infront of her house as she took off her helmet and strapped it around the holder on the back of my bike. "Have a good night cooper." I said ignoring her friends staring at me. "Thanks Scar." She said as i nodded before turning around and speeding off back towards the southside.

(2 days later.)

i got back to the southside to see an angry Sweet Pea pacing back and forth in front of th wyrm

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i got back to the southside to see an angry Sweet Pea pacing back and forth in front of th wyrm. "Sweets whats going on?" i asked rushing past Fp who tried to stop me. "Some fucking northsider shot Fangs?!" He said angrily. "What?!" i yelled as tears welled in my eyes. "Hes fucking clinging to life." Fp said quietly. Tears filled my eyes as a sobbed rocked my body as i grabbed my helmet. "Scar where are you going?" Fp asked as i pulled my helmet on. I tossed up the visor looking him in the eyes. "Who shot my brother?" i asked trying to hold in my anger. "We saw Andrews and mantle with a gun in their hands but we arent completely sure." Jughead explained. I slammed down my visor speeding off to the northside ignoring them begging me not to go. I came to an adrupt stop in the free spot in front of coopers house yanking my helmet off setting it down on my bike as Fp,jughead and toni pulled up behind me calling for me to stop but i ignored them stomping up Andrews stairs banging on the door. The door opened to reveal Mantle and Archie. I pulled my arm back socking Mantle in the face knocking him down before Kneeing Archie in the balls. "You better pray my brother makes it or you assholes will join him i said as they stood up. I went to hit them again before Jughead and Fp pulled me back as angry tears streamed down my face. "Jamie it wasnt-" I cut archie off. "Dont fucking call me that you useless ass northsider." I said ass sherrif keller pulled up handcuffing Reggie. "He was seen with a gun hes our first suspect." Keller said as another officer pulled him to the cop car. "Fuck you Andrews consider yourself as an enemy to the Serpents again." I spat before turning and walking down the steps  as jughead and Fp sighed shaking their heads lightly following me off the porch as i made my way to my bike nodding at Betty as she came out shooting archie a look before climbing on behind Jughead on his bike. I pulled on my helmet keeping the visor up. "My bother survies ill think about taking you off my shitlist." i said before flipping down the visor flipping off him and veronica and zooming off. I stopped in front of my trailer ignoring Fp and Jughead as slammed the door behind me. "Hey princess." Sweet pea said quietly as he came out of my bedroom. I said nothing as i sat down on the couch after grabbing a beer out of the fridge plopping down a cracking it open taking a large sip. I trew the beer across the room before once again grabbing my helemet climbing on my bike telling pea to follow me on his own bike as i sped off toward the hospital. I climbed off my bike pushing past people asking the lady for Fangs room number.  I walked into the room as tears filled my eyes at the sight of my brother. "Fangs please dont leave me please. your the only blood family i have that actually cares about me. you always did the best you could to protect me from dad. Im so sorry i wasnt there to protect you. Your all i have besides the serpents Fangsy. Please don't leave me. your the best brother anyone could ask for. Please Fangsy im begging you don't go." I sobbed grasping his hand. "They won't let anyone in here besides me. only family they say. The serpents are our family to. Im not the only one who needs you big brother. Sweet pea is a wreck so are a lot of the serpents. Don't leave any of us." I said as tears streamed down my face. I slowly stood up grabbing my helmet telling Pea I wanted to go home.

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