Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning wrapped up in a still naked Sweets arms as the alarm telling us to get ready for school. Sweet pea slowly sat up smiling as he kissed my cheek before both of us got up to get dressed.

Someone knocked on the door as I left the bedroom leaving pea alone to finish getting dressed as I went to the door

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Someone knocked on the door as I left the bedroom leaving pea alone to finish getting dressed as I went to the door. I opened the door before backing away to see my father at it. "Sweet pea!!" I yelled backing away as he let himself in. A now fully dressed Sweet pea rushed into the room standing between my dad and I as Toni,Jughead,fp, and Fangs burst in more than likely hearing me scream since the door was open. "What the hell are you doing her Marcus?!" Fp asked him angrily as he pulled him back by his collar. I breathed shakily making pea turn around and pull me into his arms as Fp and Jughead pulled my dad out of the trailer. "Your okay princess." He whispered I my ear as I sobbed quietly. "Scar?" Fp asked coming into the room as I calmed down. "I'm okay he didn't touch me." I said quietly as Sweet pea sighed. "Your dads gonna get some of his stuff but I'm gonna watch him while you go to school." He said as Sweet pea grasped my hand as we made our way outside to his bike. My own bike unfortunately breaking down yesterday so I was back to riding with pea not that I minded. Once we got to school we made our way to empty science room for a serpent meeting. Before the stupid fucking bulldogs interrupted. After Reggie ranted for a good few minutes I slammed my fiat on the table as I stood up making everyone's head snap to face me. "You think our lives are fucking easy that we don't have shit?! I'd be fucking dead right now if it wasn't for Sweet pea and Jones cause my father is fucking psycho!!" I yelled getting in his face as tears pricked my eyes. "So don't say for one fucking second were just a bunch of assholes or I'll beat your fucking ass." I yelled shoving him back before he shoved back before Jughead and Archie shoved themselves between us. "Lay your hands on my girl again mantle see what happens." Sweet pea growled as the bulldogs all made their way out of the room. "What do you mean you'd be dead?" Archie asked still in the room. "He tried to kill me but Sweet pea and Jones heard me scream and saved me." I explained making Archie frown before he turned to leave the room. All of us serpents sat back down in our seat but Pea and I stayed standing next to each other. "So your dad made you serpent king and Scar here serpent queen?" Toni asked since she hadn't been there the other night. "Yea." Jughead nodded. "So Toni your girlfriend will inducted into the serpents later." Fangs said as the meeting ended and we all got up to make our way to our classes. "Yup." She said smiling. "I'm surprised Scar agreed after the disrespect she gave us a couple weeks ago when we joined this damn school." Sweet pea said as we all walked into English taking our seats. "I didn't at first but Toni wouldn't shut the hell up." I said taking my seat beside him. "Fp made her jacket red." Toni said. "Least Betty boop isn't in the serpents." Fangs said as she walked past us to talk to jughead. "So if we're back together does that make me the serpent queen?" She asked. I stood up with sweet pea following behind me following me. "That's not how it works Cooper." I said calmly. "Betty Scar is the serpent queen so no your not." Jughead said calmly. "Well then can I join?" She asked. "Scar would have to approve of that as well not just jones." Sweet pea said. "If you swear not to try to take my position or stand in my way I don't see why not you've been nothing but nice to the serpents." I told her. "I won't get in your way or anything." She swore. "I'll text Fp you'll be inducted tonight along with Cheryl. No serpent dance for you." I said walking back to my seat sitting down. "Fuck up once and your out northside." I added before the bell rang and the teacher came in. I smirked as I heard Jones agree with my last statement before the teacher began to speak. "Keep staring McCoy and I'll beat your ass." I said as I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye. "Mrs.fogarty that is enough." The teacher warned before turning around. "Yea serpent slut." Josie scoffed. I stood up marching to her shoving her out of her seat as she got up she lunged for me but I punched her square in the nose making her fall back. "Scar!!" Sweet pea said grabbing me and pulling me back. "Did your little boyfriend tell you what happens between us a couple nights ago." She asked smirking. I broke out of Sweet Peas arms raising an eyebrow at him. "What the hell is she talking about Pea?!" I asked angrily. "Nothing she's fucking lying cause Pea wouldn't kiss her that day you stayed home sleeping." Betty said. "Fuck off mccoy." I said walking out of the room with pea chasing after me. "Hey slow down." He called after me as I stopped inside the blue and gold office. "Nothing happened Scar you heard cooper." He said panicked at the rage he saw in my eyes. "Yea I know I'm just sick of these assholes you'd think blossom joining us would silence some of this shit but no." I ranted as Cheryl and Toni walked in. "You Alright Scar?" Cheryl asked raising an eyebrow. "I wanna bash her teeth in." I ranted pacing. "Go back to class guys I can handle this." Sweet pea told them as they nodded and left. "Scar" Sweet pea said as I continued to pace back and forth. "Scar." he said again. "JAMIE" he said loudly finally getting my attention. He stood up from his spot leaning against a desk placing his hands on my hips. "Hey its okay nothing happened. Don't let her get under your skin." he said lowly. I was about to respond when sheriff Keller walked in motioning for me to follow him outside. "Relax your not in trouble." He said before I nodded following him outside telling Pea to wait in the classroom. "You father has been arrested do you want to press abuse charges?" he asked. "Yes." I said calmly before he nodded and told us to get back to class. "Come on babe." Pea said holding his hand out to me as we made our way back to class flipping off josie on the way in.

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