I have obviously been unfaithful in my writing as of late. It is an odd thing to me that on a month where my service is supposed to be "easy" that I seem to have less ability to get $h!@ done. I would have loved to immerse myself into my fantasy writing, but I just didn't feel it. I am a bit disenchanted at the moment with so many things. Maybe it is me. I don't think of myself as a depressed person by any means, and trust me, I've been there, but I am just not feeling it. More than anything, I want to feel the Christmas spirit moving in me. Medicine and our "pc" mentality has robbed me of my passion. I can't say Merry Christmas, as I might offend a patient with differing religious beliefs. I have to be worried about displaying religious symbols of my faith, as it may be offensive to others. I made labels for stockings we decorated our office pod with, and I was actually a little excited to do so, but then I realized I had to be cautious of what image I drew on cards for some of my co-workers as #1 I didn't know if they celebrate Christmas and #2 if they would be offended.
I am all for religious freedom, but I feel that in shielding others from my religious beliefs, it stunts my ability to rejoice in those things that are the basis for the Christmas celebration. Even when I worked at a store run and owned by Jewish folks, I said Merry Christmas, because I was working at Seasonal Concepts selling Christmas trees and decorations. I am more than happy to wish a Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, what ever your holiday is, I'll even wish you a Blessed Solstice. It does not offend me when others believe differently than myself, it is your belief, and our world is richer for the differences found therein. Please do not be affronted by my glee at the Christmas story, or my love for Christmas Carols. Don't be angry when I do not enjoy secular Christmas music as much.
This has turned into something completely other than what I thought I'd write. I had planned on writing about my days in the office seeing patients on home turf. That has been anticlimactic, as every day I have a full schedule, half of my patients don't show up. So instead of being productive in anything, I am constantly wondering if that person who is now 30 minutes late will show up and set me behind. Please call and cancel your appointment if you can't make it.
Another thing...Don't schedule seperate appointments for your two kids' well child checks and decide to show up at the later time and want me to see both kids anyway. I have waited for you for the last 45 minutes, and guess what, not seeing a patient because you TOOK 45 minutes of my schedule away.
One more bit here, and it is only human courtesy...Time is money, mine, yours, theirs...When you take my time, you take my money (not mine yet, but my attending gets paid per patient I see). Being late is theft. I live by this mantra: To be on time is to be late, to be early is to be on time. My mother was late for everything. She still is upset that she doesn't get a raise because she clocked in after 8:05 three times in the last quarter...she is supposed to be there ready to work at 8. She was late. When you are 5-10 minutes late for your appointment, the nurses still need to get you into a room and ready. So now it is 20 minutes into your 15 minute appointment (read over due). Then I will see you and you throw in a couple more complaints (now we are 45 minutes past your appointment time) and then my next patient (if they are on time) are at least 45 minutes behind. My day will end late, if I'm lucky enough to have a no show or two, and if not, then I'm really late. And don't mind me...I don't have my kids' Christmas programs to get to or anything. They'll understand, right?
Confessions of an Intern
Non-FictionThese are musings of mine, told as I grow through residency. I hope to share a little insight into the making of a doctor, one who still cannot believe she's been blessed with this responsibility.