Chapter 1

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Min Yoongi

"That's it for today everyone!" Our choreographer exclaims. "Thank you for all your hard work! Let's continue the practice next time!"

I sighed in relief as I plop down on the floor after we posed as soon as the music stopped.

"Ah hyung!" Jimin whines and lies down on the floor beside me and is trying to wrap his arms around me for a hug.

"Hyung~ I'm so tired."

"Yah! Stop it!" I frowned as I keep pushing him away. "You're so sweaty! You smell disgusting!"

But, he didn't listen to me and keeps on trying to bring me closer to him even though I keep telling him to stop.

Unlike betas, alphas and omegas usually have a stronger scent. In Jimin's situation, since he is an alpha, his scent mixed with his sweat really brings out the odor which is why I'm pushing him away.

"Jimin-ah! Go away!" I yell at him.

"Jin hyung! Yoongi hyung is being mean to me!" Jimin whines and I roll my eyes at this.

This guy is literally an alpha but he still shouts to Jin hyung for help. But, I should always remember never to underestimate Jimin just for his small stature and somewhat soft looks and behavior because I know that behind his little facade, a real alpha lives in him.

"Yah! You guys didn't tell me you two are having a cuddle session!" Taehyung crosses his arms as he looks down at the two of us with Jimin nuzzling his face next to my neck.

My eyes widens at this and I immediately knew what is going to happen next.

Taehyung drops down on the ground and lies down next to and wraps his arms around me as well. Before I could even yell at him, the third of the maknae line and our youngest member joins in on the fun.

"YAH!! GET OFF ME!!" I finally screamed as the three smelly and sweaty alphas squishes me below them.

Then, we could suddenly hear Jin hyung's voice, "Yah! Jungkook! Get off your hyungs, you're suffocating them! Jimin and Taehyung! You can scent Yoongi later, we all need to take a bath!!"

And just like that, the three finally got off me and we all stood up to follow everyone out so we could finally go home after another tiring day of practice.

"You okay there, hyung?" Namjoon asks me while we follow our members out.

I groaned in response making him chuckle.

"Don't worry, you know they're just super clingy because they're still young alphas," He explains. "You can't blame them for always trying to cuddle with you because that's just their alphas reacting."

"I know," I mumble.

Finally arriving at the parking lot where our manager is waiting for us, we walk towards the van and hopped inside as we all drive home.

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