Chapter 4

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The supposed normal photo shoot day of Bangtan was turned upside down because of the weird attitude one of their members have been showing.

Min Yoongi is being a brat.

"Yoongi, I really need you to stop moving or else I won't be able to finish doing your hair properly," One of the hairstylists said.

Yoongi, for some unknown reason, cannot keep still for just a millisecond and he doesn't even know why. He just can't help but move because he feels uncomfortable in all angles and all he wants to do is lie down.

"I want to lie down," Yoongi mutters under his breath but enough for the stylist to hear.

The stylist sighs, "I'm really sorry, but you can't take a nap right now."

"Why not?!" Yoongi whines, earning the attention of his members and the other people in their dressing room.

Sejin crosses his arms and stares at Yoongi with confusion on his face, "What has gotten into him? Did he just wake up like that?"

Jungkook nods, "Yoongi hyung has been making us suffer because of his new attitude ever since we ate breakfast this morning."

"He's been complaining about stuff for years," Namjoon says. "But, Yoongi hyung has never been this... bratty."

"Well, looks like his attitude is going to last for the whole day," Sejin concluded.

And so it did.

After they finish their hair and makeup, they are brought to the set where the photo shoot will be held.

"Hyung, we really need you to calm down," Namjoon tries to talk to Yoongi calmly.

Yoongi has been whining ever since they got on the set and the members are trying their best to tell their fellow member to stop because they also noticed that Yoongi's scent is earning them some curious glances which means his emotions are going haywire and the staff are beginning to notice.

"But I don't want to take pictures!" Yoongi whines which made the other staff look at the seven boys curiously.

Seeing their member like this, Jimin can't help but smile, "As much as we need to focus on work right now, I just can't let go of the fact that hyung is so cute when he's whining!"

"Right? I never knew how much I needed a bratty and whiny Min Yoongi!" Taehyung agrees. "Is it bad that hyung is really turning me on right now?"

Hoseok crosses his arms, "You two better watch what you two are saying, he's still your hyung and fellow member."

"Oh come on, Hobi hyung," Jungkook joins in the conversation. "Don't act innocent. It's not like you've never thought of it before."

"Thought of what before?" Hoseok asks the maknae line in confusion.

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