Chapter 5

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Min Yoongi

The shoot finally ended and the whole ride back to our dorm was quiet and awkward.

Namjoon told Jin hyung about what I supposedly did wrong and now I'm going to get scolded by my members like a kid.

I don't know what's happening to me anymore.

Something in me just won't keep still and I always feel like I need attention every second of the day and I'm feeling so emotional.

My members have been staring at me the whole time and it's making me feel self-conscious but I also love the attention I'm getting at the same time.

I guess today is just the day my omega decided to feel needy and bratty.

Getting off the van and walking up to our dorm is as quiet as always. Nobody started a conversation and I could sense my members feeling more tense as their scents mixed together and came up my nose.

Their scents mixing together is too strong and the only thing that I can do is look away and scrunch up my nose.

"Hyung, you okay?" Hobi asks me and I nod to him in response.

Finally arriving at our dorm, I plan to sprint to my room and lock myself before my members even start to have a conversation with me.

I just want to lie down and sleep because I'm feeling a little bit lightheaded and I think I'm going to faint any time soon.


Jin hyung's voice, even though he's a beta, he is still able to assert his dominance towards us because he's the oldest.


"You're not going to your room just yet, Yoongi hyung," Namjoon says with his eyes darkening.

Looking at my other members for help, they just stared at me as if they're also feeling a bit pissed because of what I did earlier.

"What do you want now?" I ask with slight irritation in my voice.

"You know what you did, hyung!"

I scoff, "So what if I was flirting with him? It's not like I'm actually going out with him or anything."

He sighs, "The point is, we're idols and you can't just go flirting with every guy that you see because you were acting like a brat and that everyone will follow your orders."

"Who are you calling a brat?!" My voice begins to rise. "Need I remind you, Kim Namjoon, you may be my leader but I'm still your hyung!"

"Alright you two, break it up," Jin hyung tries to stop our argument from going any further.

"Well, hyung, you can't just go and leave your group so you can find someone to fill your needs."

"Can't I have some fun even for a little bit?!"

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