Chapter 2

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Min Yoongi

We all arrive in the kitchen as Jin hyung brings in the food on the table. Just like always, hyung's cooking is phenomenal.

Having four alphas in the dorm is already such a hassle and luckily, we have Jin hyung and Hobi to even it all out since they both presented as betas. If someone were to ask them about their members' sub genders, they'll definitely tell people that I'm a beta.

Lying to my members for seven years about my sub gender is something that I regret every single day but I just can't tell them the truth.

If I do come out and tell them the truth, what will they say?

Sure, they're probably going to get angry at me, but they won't kick me out of the group, won't they?

They're family to me and I can't risk losing them.

I have been able to hide my real sub gender to them because of the suppressants my doctor gave me. Jihoon hyung is a real life saver, when I agreed with Bang PD-nim's deal he was kind enough to help me find a trusted doctor to supply me with all the suppressants that I need.

He has always reminded me that I could still stop from taking any more since it's bad for my health because omegas need to go through heats. I have heard a lot about omegas taking suppressants for too long and would suddenly go through heat out in public which extremely terrifies me.

Speaking of my suppressants, I'll need to go get some more from Jihoon hyung.

"Yoongi! Come sit down!" Jin hyung calls me.

I took a seat next to Taehyung since it's the only space left but another one of my members sat down to my left.

Jeon Jungkook.

Knowing fully well that the two still are mad at each other, I kept my focus on the food in front of me as we all ate dinner. Those two are still probably glaring at each other because their scents keep on getting stronger and if this continues, they might start fighting out of control.

"What's up with Jungkook and Taehyung?" Hobi asks while taking a spoonful to his mouth. "It looks like they're about to pounce and kill each other."

Jimin sighs, "Those two have been arguing on who gets to cuddle with Yoongi hyung ever since we got home from practice."

Without even looking up from my plate, I could tell that Jin hyung's is feeling tense just by his scent as he glares at Jungkook and Taehyung who is having a glaring contest right beside me.

"Boys! Come on, we're having dinner and you two are still fighting about something so childish!" Namjoon scolds the two.

"But he started it!" Jungkook exclaims.

"Hey!" Taehyung fights back. "You had Yoongi hyung since this morning, the least you could do is give him to me!"


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