Chapter 8

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Kim Namjoon

The dark room is filled with moans and whines coming from the needy omega that I am trying hard and doing my best to satisfy.

But, I cannot deny the fact that he loves teasing the older just to see how he would react.


Yoongi hyung is interrupted when I finally stuck a finger in the his hole which made him arch his back because of the sudden action.

"Like this?" I grinned. "Is this what you want, omega? Something to fill you up?"

He nods eagerly in return, loving the fact that the my hands are probably enough to make him come.

"A-alpha... please..."

"What do you want, love?" I ask him innocently, pretending not to know what my omega wants to see his reaction. "What do you want me to do?"

"Want you i-inside me..." He yelps as soon as I add another finger at a faster pace.

I lean closer and places multiple kisses on the omega's face.

One on his forehead.

One on his nose.

One on his lips.

"My pretty omega," I whisper praises to his ear. "You look so beautiful under me. Moaning and whining like a needy little baby. My pretty baby."

"My baby is good for me, always doing what he is told like a good boy. My good baby boy," I continue to praise him.

He mewls in delight and I could see more slick gushing out of his opening. My brow raised at this and a smirk forms on my face, finally realizing why he's reacting like this with just a few words and short sentences.

"Hyung... you have a praise kink, don't you?" I questioned him with a grin and his eyes immediately widened at this.

"N-no... what are you talking about?" He looks away. "Can't y-you just get on with it already?"

Chuckling at his words and excuses, I take out my two fingers from his hole to show him how much literal proof.

"Oh baby," He flinches at the pet name. "Can't you see how much slick you're pouring out? This is your body reacting to me giving you love and complimenting you like the good boy that you are."

"S-shut up."

Using my left hand, I force him to look at me by holding his chin as I take my right hand and slowly licked my fingers to tease him.

"J-joon... that's d-disgusting," He whispers.

I scoff at his comment, "You weren't complaining every time you were giving me a blow job, you were practically begging for me to come in your mouth just so it would make you feel full and you wouldn't have to eat the food Hobi and Jungkook burned."

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