Chapter 22

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A/N: Y'all really want Bangtan to suffer huh? Well, you asked and you shall receive. Instead of ending the book with 28 chapters, I added 2 more for the sole purpose of making them suffer in 2 chapters.

P.S. A bit short tho

3rd person

Yoongi arrived in his studio late at night with their CEO's permission.

Bang PD-nim had suggested group counseling for Bangtan but Yoongi refused and told him that they won't even listen to him, how can a group counseling help?

Seeing how Yoongi is too hurt and sensitive, he didn't push the idea any longer and suggested a hotel instead so Yoongi could spend his time away from the dorm more comfortably.

But again, Yoongi politely declined the offer. He reasoned with his boss that he can have more work done in his studio rather than stay in a new environment where people might recognize him if he goes out.

The CEO understood his reasons and agreed with him. He told Yoongi that he'll have the floor of Yoongi's studio open for him and so will the cafeteria in the building if he needs some snacks.

After asking for permission, Yoongi asked his boss and manager a favor not to tell the other members where he'll be staying — even though it's kind of obvious if you think about it — so he can have some peace and quiet.

The two agreed to this and it'll be easy because they are given a long rest period with a few practices here and there.

Sejin and Bang PD-nim are now sworn to secrecy of the whereabouts of the omega.

"You sure you'll be fine here?" Sejin asked Yoongi as soon as they arrived at his studio with the omega's things.

Yoongi nods, "I'll be fine hyung, thanks again."

"It's no problem," Sejim sighed. "You really should have told me about what's happening as soon as it started, maybe I could've helped you."

The rapper didn't respond to him.

Sejin placed all his things inside, "Just call or text me when you need me and I'll be here. If you need a ride to Jihoon, I'll come pick you up, yeah?"

Yoongi looked up to him and gave his manager a nod.

Sejin hummed in satisfaction.

"Goodnight, Yoongi."

"Night, Sejin hyung."

Yoongi's first night in his studio was not that bad and the pain in his chest wasn't as bad as the time he still stayed in the dorm.

Having the other member's scent around the dorm is too much for him.

The first few days in the studio wasn't as bad either because he just focused on doing work but everything that he does or sees in and out of the dorm seems to remind him of the other members.

Namjoon and Hoseok usually help him finish some new songs and tracks, Jin brings food in his studio, and the maknae line dragging him out of his studio to spend time with them.

For the first few days, Yoongi hoped, just for a little bit, that one of the members would ask about him or check on him but not once did he get a single call or text.

This made him turn off his phone and not use it for the first few days but Sejin told him to turn it back on since he will need to contact Yoongi to check on him.

At least there are still some people who care enough to check on him once in a while.

Sejin would bring Yoongi food every single day and would even spend a few hours in his studio so the rapper won't feel lonely.

The manager thought this is a good thing for the omega, isolated and away from his members because he thinks that it's not really his place to get in the way of their problems as a group but he just can't help feel angry towards the other members.

"Sejin hyung, can we stop for food?" Taehyung asked their manager while on his phone.

They're on their way home and called Sejin for a ride after they went shopping as a group.

Sejin's grip on the steering wheel tightened, "You have food at home, don't be lazy and just eat there."

The other members were appalled by the sudden attitude from their manager.

"Woah!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

The manager sighed, "Sorry, I just have a lot on my plate right now. By the way, how's Yoongi? How come he's not with you?"

The six of them fell silent.

"Hyung's okay," Namjoon replied. "I guess."

Sejin wanted to say more and ask more questions but he bit his tongue and reminded himself about his promise to Yoongi.

Days passed ever since Yoongi left the dorm and still, Bangtan hasn't noticed his disappearance.

Sejin's hopes of Yoongi becoming better all shattered when his condition worsened.

The omega would start to refuse to eat the food Sejin would bring him, he would stop sleeping, he would cry for the whole day as soon as he wakes up and until he falls asleep.

Sejin told their CEO about all of this and tried to talk to Yoongi but the omega was just too stubborn.

Yoongi's omega is screaming for his member's attention and love but he's also too hurt to see and talk to them.

He's confused and hurt.

Yoongi is losing weight and becoming unhealthy. His manager called Jihoon for help but Yoongi wouldn't let him in the studio.

Sejin has finally had enough of this and decided to storm right to Bangtan's dorm and give the six boys a piece of his mind.

Yoongi doesn't deserve all the pain that he's feeling right now and the six boys won't even spare a glance in his room to care.

There was a knock on the door.

Yoongi's sobs softened as he stared at the door and saw the shadows of people at the other side of the door.

His heartbeat quickened, thinking that these might be his members.

Yoongi immediately git to his feet, he almost fell down to the floor since his legs are too wobbly to stand up because he doesn't have the energy to do it since he's not eating.

He slowly opens the door and peeks through the small opening.

"Hi sunbae!"

Five smiling faces greeted him.

Yoongi's smile faded when he saw them, realizing it's not his members but a smile formed on his face when he saw the five boys.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" He asked them with a raspy voice.

They didn't respond and just showed him a bunch of plastic bags in their hands.

"Sejin hyung told us to give you these and spend some time with you," Huening Kai explained with an excited look on his face.

"Oh, but—"

"Please!!" The five of them pleaded with puppy eyes, trying to make their senior agree.

Yoongi giggled, for the first time in almost two weeks.

"Come in."

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