Chapter 26

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A/N: Guys, please support my other works as well!! "The bottom rapper" 1st chapter is out!

3rd person

At this statement, everyone gasped once again when they saw what Namjoon was doing.

The leader of Bangtan starts to kneel down in front of Jihoon, eyes beginning to water and mouth quivering, he's almost at his breaking point.


Jihoon's eyes narrowed down at him.

"Please, we'll do anything!" Namjoon pleaded. "We need to see him! To apologize! Please, I can't — I need to see how he's doing!!"

"Stand up, Namjoon," Jihoon told him. "You shouldn't be kneeling down like that to me, Yoongi is the one you all should be kneeling down at, for everything you did to him."

"That's why we need to see him!" Jin exclaimed. "We want to apologize, please!"

Jihoon took a sharp breath and glanced towards the calm looking CEO who is staring back at him.

The doctor gave him a knowing look, asking him what he should do or say to the six of Bangtan. It'll be really unfair for Yoongi if he just let's them see him.

Jihoon sighed in relief when Bang PD-nim stepped in and spoke for him.

"You can't see Yoongi," He tells them and the six were about to say something when he held out a hand to stop them.

"Not right now."

They all paused.

"Yoongi is in a bit of a bad shape right now," He continues. "It's not just you six who hurt him, something else happened to Yoongi without you knowing."

"Is he hurt?!" Hoseok gasped.

The CEO shook his head, "Not physically. That'll why I need you to wait for a few days before you see him."

"But sir!" Jihoon was appalled by this.

"Jihoon, I know that you are concerned for Yoongi's wellbeing as I am too, but still, you need to consider the fact that he still is a rapper of Bangtan," Bang PD-nim explained.

"Their long rest period will end soon and Yoongi will need to be back on stage with them," At this, Bangtan smiled in relief.

"But, it is Yoongi's choice whether he wants to go back to the dorm with them or to leave."

Bangtan's smile faded.

It's true, from everything that had happened, Yoongi would probably not like the idea of going back to the dorm with the six of them.

Namjoon stood up from the floor and nodded, "We will respect his decisions."

Their CEO nodded back to him.

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