Chapter 19

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A/N: Because I'm so nice and I love ya'll, I'm giving you another short chapter.

Min Yoongi

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of multiple voices and footsteps outside of my room.

I checked the time and realized that Jin hyung is probably finished making breakfast now and everyone else is making their way to the kitchen.

Just as I was about to walk to the kitchen with the others, I remembered what had happened last night and immediately lost my appetite.

I stood there in front of my door, contemplating if I should even walk out of my room and see them again after what happened last night.

They were all so angry with something I didn't even do.

I stared down at the doorknob, thinking if I should turn it and walk out of my room but before I could even make a decision, I heard voices at the other side of the door.

"Don't, he'll get up when he wants to," A familiar voice said.

"But he didn't eat last night," Another voice responded to him. "At least he didn't say that he ate, what if he's — oh fuck it, he's probably still full from all the cum intake he had last night."

My eyes widened and my throat went dry at what he said about me.

Do they not trust me?

Just because that person looked like me doesn't mean that it really is me.

I feel like crying again.

The voices faded and I could hear their footsteps walking away from my door. Still, I stood there, not moving, waiting for someone to bring me in for a hug and tell me that this is all a dream.

Tears started trickling down my cheeks as I kept my eyes on the door.

I just want someone to embrace me and tell me that everything is going to be okay and will be back to normal as soon as I wake up.

I took a deep breath and walked away from the door while wiping my tears away to get changed into some outdoor clothes since I'm going back to my studio.

Originally, I was planning on taking a day off to spend some time with my members today because we have nothing in our schedule but it looks like I'd rather work myself off in my studio than stay here and mope around.

After changing, I took my bag and gathered all the courage and strength that is left in me and opened the door before walking out of the comfort of my room.

Here goes nothing.

The hallway is quiet and noise is coming from the kitchen, meaning that everyone else is probably eating breakfast now but I don't have the appetite to eat anything right now.

My members would always knock on my door to call me for breakfast, but today, they didn't.

I mean, I don't need them to always remind me to take care of myself — maybe I do — but I just like them doing it because it showed me that they care for me.

Now, even though all of my members are back in the dorm, the place still feels empty and lonely and I could hear them laughing with each other like I don't even exist.

I walked through the hallway and arrived at the living room, the opening to the kitchen is large enough that I could see all of them eating together and talking with each other.

The noise stopped as soon as they saw me and my heart shattered again.

I opened my mouth to say something but I didn't and no words came out so I closed it back again.

They looked at me with disgust, like I interrupted something important that they were doing and I finally understood.

Why am I devastated just because my members are ignoring me?

After all, I'm not a part of their pack and by the looks of it, I will never be a part of it.

Sure, it's my fault because I hid the truth about my sub gender being an omega from them but it still hurts to see them actually pushing me away just because of something I didn't even do.

I took one last glance to them and turned to the door to put on my shoes.

They didn't say anything to me. I wanted them to say something, anything, but they didn't.

I wanted them to greet me good morning like they always do, Jin hyung stacking food on my plate, the maknae like making jokes and Hobi joining them, and Namjoon talking about work and some tracks with me.

But they didn't.

They just stared at me as I opened the door and walked out of the dorm.

My hands clenched into fists as I finally sighed in relief when I was out of their sight.

Looks like this will be the new normal.

I arrived in the building and a few staff greeted me as I walked inside.

Walking to my studio, I used to always want to finish work already so I could go home to my members but now, I think I'm going to move out of the dorm and live in my studio instead if things get any worse.

If things did get any worse, I'll probably have no choice but to leave the group and become a producer like I always planned or leave the company completely.

But I think Bang-PDnim will want me to stay.

At least someone else still wants me in their lives.

Getting off the elevator, I walked past different practice rooms that are mostly empty but one of them has their doors open.

I took a small peek and saw TXT, the new addition to the company and they just debuted a few months ago so they're still rookies.

My heart ached at the scene in front of me, the group filled with betas and alphas are laughing with each other like there is no problem in the world.

I'd do anything to feel that happiness again, to have my members back and everything the way it was before that damned email.

Before I started crying there, I walked away from the room and to my studio.

I opened the door and turned on the lights where an empty room greeted me.

Unlike the dorm, my studio may be empty but it makes me feel safe and comfortable.

I placed my bag down on the couch and sat down before letting out an exasperated sigh as I closed my eyes in frustration.

Hot liquid began leaking from my eyes again as I tan my hands through my hair.

"Please," I mumbled in a hush tone. "Someone wake me up from this nightmare."

A/N: How painful is this chapter? I'm going to add a teaspoon of fluff in the next chapter to give you guys a break.

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