Chapter 23

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A/N: Also a bit short and maybe a trigger warning.

Min Yoongi

They all came to my studio one by one.

Soobin placed the food on the same coffee table and they sat on the couch in the same order as before.

"Hyung sent you all here?" He asked them and they all nodded

"Sorry if you had to be bothered, you can just leave them here if you want."

Yeonjun shakes his head, "It's no problem sunbae, we don't have anything today and we just wanted to practice for a bit."


There was a short silence and Beomgyu began taking out the food out of the plastic bags.

Taehyun glances at me, "Sunbae—"

"Call me hyung instead," I told him.

"Oh, okay," Taehyun turned to his members as if asking them if he should continue. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything but have you eaten lately? You look skinnier."

My eyes widened, "Oh, is it that obvious?"

"Oh hyung," Soobin sighed. "You promised us."

"You made a pinky promise with all of us!" Huening Kai exclaimed with a tone of disappointment in his voice as if I betrayed him.

"Sorry, I'm just going through some stuff," I looked down on my hands.

"It's okay if you don't tell us hyung," One of the five told me. "Please just eat as much as you can."

I nodded and took some food that they opened from the table and slowly began to eat just like what they told me to.

I can't help it but when I saw the sad look on their eyes as they watched me made him tear up.

We aren't that close at all but they care for me.

They can see me hurting and they can see the changes that's happening to me.

Why can't my members be like that?

"H-hyung!" Beomgyu's eyes widened. "Are you crying? Are we forcing you? Oh, you don't have to eat when you don't really want to."

"Yeah, we won't force you."

I shook my head and wiped my tears away, the other members stood up from their seats and stood right beside me to comfort me.

"No, I-" How can I tell them?

A hand began slowly running up and down my back, soothing me as I cried, "It's alright hyung, you don't have to tell us what's wrong if you don't want to."

I sighed as small sobs came from my mouth.

A hand began patting me on the head and running his fingers through my hair.

I glanced up to see Soobin looking down at me with a reassuring smile on his face.

"I know this is a weird favor to ask," I began. "But, c-can you do it again?"

Soobin looked surprised but nodded and patted me on the head again and ran his hands through my hair making me smile.

I needed this.

"Do you need a hug, hyung?" Huening Kai asked.

Giving him a smile, I nod in response.

Then, they all stood up from their seats and moved closer to me to give me a hug.

"We'll be here for you if you need us, hyung."

"Thank you."

3rd person

Yoongi is running for his life.

He just found out that his manager, Sejin decided to march up to their dorm to talk to Bangtan about Yoongi.

He kept calling Sejin but he won't pick up his phone.

"Fuck, out of all the times you could start avoiding my calls," Yoongi cursed to himself. "Sejin hyung, what the fuck are you doing?!"

It's already night time and Yoongi took an alleyway so that there won't be any people catching a member of BTS running at night.

"This is so stupid," He huffed, starting to lose his breath. "I'm mad at Sejin hyung for making me run like this."

He's almost reaching the end of the dark alleyway when two people stood appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

Yoongi I stopped running, his body still weak from refusing to eat and lack of sleep, making him ten times more tired than usual.

"Uh, excuse me, I'm trying to save my life over here," He complained at the two but they didn't respond to him.

"Look what we have here?" One of them spoke.

"Oh not this again," Yoongi whispered to himself when he realized what was going to happen to him.

"Look guys, I'm trying to save my life and career over here," Yoongi has had enough of getting cornered by horny alphas. "So please just move aside and let me through."

"But you look so tired," The other one spoke. "We can help you relax for a bit."

The two shared similar smirks.

Yoongi's heartbeat starts to fasten as fear begins to rise inside of him. But he can't let these two random alphas get in the way of him trying to stop Sejin from whatever it is that he's going to do.

He looks back at where he just came from and realizes it would be too late if he runs back the other way.

The omega has no choice and gathers up all his remaining strength and the power of friendship from TXT to push aside the two alphas and run away.

But just like Bangtan, the power of friendship has failed him.

"Oh, you're not getting away from us."

The two pushed Yoongi down on the ground and laughed at him before beginning to kick him and beat him up.

With all the strength left in his body, he took out his phone and called the number he knew would immediately answer the phone.

"You'll feel real good with us."

Tears flowed down his cheeks.

Phone still clutched to his hand as he tried his best to press the right buttons.

This is it.

It's happening all over again.

Hungry and deranged alphas try to creep their way up to Yoongi and force themselves into him.

But this is different.

This time...

No one is there to save him.

This time...

Bangtan isn't there to save him.


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