Chapter 20

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A/N: I swear y'all are making me publish three times today (I love seeing your reactions in the comments) 😂  This is the last one, I'm spoiling y'all too much💜

3rd person

There was a knock on the door.

Yoongi scrambled to his feet after he accidentally fell asleep minutes after arriving in his studio because his body had tired himself out after crying.

He checked himself on a mirror and immediately wiped his tears away, cleared his throat, and walked to the door where he could see blurred bodies through the glass.

The lock clicked open and so did the door, Yoongi's eyes widened as soon as he saw who those people were.

"Um, Yoongi sunbae," The tall one spoke. "We hope we didn't disturb you, are you busy?"

Yoongi didn't respond at first and stared at the five men in front of him with plastic bags in their hands and innocent smiles on their faces.

"Why?" He asked them. "Do you need something?"

One of them spoke, "No, we-we just wanted to see if you'd like to have brunch with us."

"Brunch?" Yoongi asked.

Another one spoke to him, "Yes, we wanted to spend time with you if that's alright. But, if you're busy, then we can leave."

Yoongi looked back at the plastic bags they're carrying and assumed that it's probably food. He wanted to cry alone in his studio again but he did not eat this morning and it's making him hungry now.

The rapper gave the rookie group a smile, a genuine one and nodded.

"Come in."

The five boys smiled in delight as they all walked inside of his studio one by one.

"You can all sit here on the couch," Yoongi pointed. "It's big enough for the five of you."

They all followed suit and placed the plastic bags on the coffee table right next to the couch as Yoongi took his chair over to them.

"I hope we didn't bother you," Soobin said while the others took the food out of the plastic bags.

Yoongi shakes his head, "It's alright, I didn't eat breakfast this morning anyway."

He paused at what he said and so did the five sitting right in front of him. He cursed himself silently for accidentally slipping out.

"Sunbae, you didn't eat breakfast?" One named Huening Kai asked worriedly.

The rapper sighed, "I just forgot, I came here pretty early and my members were still fast asleep so I forgot to eat."


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