Chapter 17

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A/N: Y'all thank you so much for all the support!! You can't see me right now but I'm legit crying!! We're almost reaching 30k reads😭

P.S. This one's a bit short.

3rd person

After waiting for another hour, more than a hundred missed calls and messages, but Yoongi still hasn't come home.

"Alright, that's it!" Jin stood up from his seat. "Namjoon let's go get him."

The said member nodded to his hyung and he stood up to get his jacket and shoes so they could drag the omega home.

"I swear Namjoon-ah," Jin began ranting as he and the alpha started putting on layers.

"If that guy still wouldn't come home with us, I'd drag him out of his studio and lock him in the dorm for as long as needed."

Namjoon sweatdropped, "Hyung, you said it yourself, Yoongi hyung is just being himself. He's acting like a beta because he's used to acting like one."

"Well, he isn't!" Jin snapped. "I know it's a defense mechanism for him to act like one but he's hurting himself in the process!"

"He's not eating, sleeping, or spending time with us!" At this, if it is scientifically possible, Jin's nostrils are emitting steam from anger.

"He should be with his pack for at least an hour a day!" He adds, breathing heavily.

Namjoon placed a hand on his shoulder, "That's the problem hyung, he isn't."

It dawned on Jin at what Namjoon meant. His heart ached at the fact that he's complaining about Yoongi not spending enough time at home with them when the omega isn't even part of the pack.


"You're right, sorry, my emotions got the best of me," Jin takes a deep breath.

They both finished putting their jacket and shoes on and were about to walk out of the dorm when they heard a yell from the living room.

"Hyung! Come here, quick! You need to see this!" Jimin's voice echoed.

"We'll check it later!" Namjoon yelled back. "We're going to fetch Yoongi hyung first!"

"This is about Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung yelled as well.

The alpha and beta looked at each other for a moment and didn't bother taking off their shoes to run back to the living room with the others.

"What is it?"

Hoseok turned the laptop around to show them an email from an unknown source.

"Uh, just delete it?" Jin deadpanned.

They have received similar emails like these, most are from sasaengs and creepy people so they decided to just ignore those kinds of emails and delete it somehow.

"No, look at the message below,"

Namjoon and Jin looked closer at the screen and the message below the attached video.

How about a little show for you boys, courtesy of your only omega in the group. After all, this little bitch is spreading his legs for everyone.

"Play it," Namjoon said sternly.

The others shuddered at the tone their pack alpha is using. Hoseok gulped and played the video as everyone watched the screen intently.

The video began playing and numerous videos of a faceless omega — from what they assume with the leaking hole and the person's head is out of view — is being gangbanged by multiple people.

The others winced and flinched at the sight.

"This..." Jungkook began. "This isn't what I think it is, right hyung?"

Jin shook his head in response and Namjoon stayed silent.

"We can't even see the face," Taehyung argued. "This isn't Yoongi hyung."

"Yeah, he wouldn't do that," Jimin said reassuringly but by the sound of it, it looks like he's talking to himself.

"Yoongi hyung wouldn't do that to us," He adds. "He's working very hard in his studio every night."

The maknae line turned to their hyungs.

"Hyung, tell me this isn't real."

Hoseok looked down on the floor, unable to say anything. The body on the screen — even though they can't see the face — Looks exactly like their omega member.

They have been living together for almost a decade so they would know but the fact that Yoongi was also able to hide his true sub gender from them is making it hard for them to believe that this isn't Yoongi on the screen.

"We really need to go get him," Namjoon finally spoke and slammed the laptop close.

"Hey!" Taehyung whined. "That's expensive!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "You're famous and rich Tae, you can get another one just by smiling at the cashier."

They all followed Namjoon and Jin to the door to go and fetch Yoongi themselves to see if that video is really the truth.

But before they can even open the door and leave, someone else from the other side of the door turned the knob and pushed it open.

"Hey guys," He smiled at them but he got nothing in response. "I'm... home?"

There stood Min Yoongi at the door with an innocent and confused look on his face, he clearly doesn't know what's about to come.

His jacket loosely wrapped around him, shoe laces unlaced, hair messy, and the sweat on his face looks innocent at first but after seeing the email, it has another meaning for the six of Bangtan.

"Yeah, you're finally home."

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